Change by Marcel Widjaja :
pull_requests: +5156
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Marcel Widjaja :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +4972
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Marcel Widjaja added the comment:
I'd like to try to work on this one
nosy: +mawidjaj
Python tracker
Marcel Widjaja added the comment:
Greg, I wonder if you are planning to submit a PR for your patch? If not, I'm
plan to take your patch, make some minor adjustment and submit a PR.
nosy: +mawidjaj
Python tracker
Marcel Widjaja added the comment:
Both test_asyncio & test_multiprocessing_forkserver work for me. I'm on the
latest 3.6 and Mac OS 10.11.6
nosy: +mawidjaj
Python tracker