LW added the comment:
so i downloaded the python-3.2 source again, applied the .diff file. still
getting _io.TextIOWrapper open file error. then ran the major 5 individual make
test_ files errors. hope u can find from these
LW added the comment:
hi eric,
maybe we are troubleshooting the wrong thing. so i downloaded the python3.2
package again. configured no error.
now make gives, just one bad or missing module(s).
Failed to build these modules:
ossaudiodev            Â
i can't find
LW added the comment:
btw, if not know yet the patches are applied to python 3.2.
anyway the patch -p0 resulted exactly the same rejects.
les@Liquid:~$ patch -p0 -i ~/Desktop/distutils_files.diff
patching file /home/les/Downloads/Python-3.2/distutils
LW added the comment:
thanks.py3k done.
still having rejects, applied patch:
les@Liquid:~$ patch -p1 -i ~/Desktop/distutils_files.diff
patching file /home/les/Downloads/Python-3.2/distutils/command
Hunk #1 FAILED at 245.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED
LW added the comment:
only the sysconfig.py was patched, the rest were "reject'ed." no compilation
yet at this time.
Python tracker
LW added the comment:
seemed no errors. end of check attach:
U py3k
Checked out revision 88674.
Python tracker
LW added the comment:
hi eric: thanks for the reply. here is what i'm getting from 'patch --dry-run'
les@Liquid:~/Desktop$ patch -i ~/Desktop/distutils_files.diff -d
~/Downloads/Python-3.2/Lib/distutils --dry-run --backup
patching file bdist_wininst.py
Hunk #1 FAILE
LW added the comment:
[ 92/349] test_distutils
ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='MANIFEST.in' mode='r'
unknown, 0: Warning:
New submission from LW :
1 test failed:
1 test altered the execution environment:
21 tests skipped:
test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_gdb
test_kqueue test_ossaudiodev