Keelung Yang added the comment:
OK. Since most are opposed to append kwarg, I close this issue.
Thanks ALL!
resolution: -> wont fix
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Keelung Yang added the comment:
Without append kwarg, users need two lines to append. It's bad to both
readability and writability.
Library developers should focus on bath language and library's design targets,
but how frequently used. And as all discussed here, at least one ap
Keelung Yang added the comment:
In file operations, write/modify/append, which one is generic/common? They're
Modifying need more then one line code, but write/oppend needn't.
Two lines are bad to readability and readability counts.
How do you determine it's no
Keelung Yang added the comment:
This shouldn't be limited logging.
In unstable application scene, file should be append and then close immediately
to avoid breaking filesystem (e.g. inode is not updated timely). Such as file in MicroPython development board, user may disconnec
Keelung Yang added the comment:
This is for simplifying code and improve readability, since `Readability
counts` in The Zen of Python.
Users needn't two lines code to append a file. And there is a minimal modifying
to reach it.
If inexperienced users are falling into the
Change by Keelung Yang :
components: +Library (Lib)
type: -> enhancement
versions: +Python 3.11
Python tracker
New submission from Keelung Yang :
Three reasons to improve issue 35095: Implement pathlib.Path.append_bytes and
1. If I want to append text to log at each startup(before calling basicConfig),
there is no simple way to do this.
2. Adding append keyword is better
Keelung Yang added the comment:
Firstly, I can't agree with `it is quite uncommon to open a file in append
mode`. It should be depended to users and their application scenes.
Secondly, I think `Path.write_*(, append=False)` is better then adding new
APIs, as discuss
Keelung Yang added the comment:
It's reoccurable in Python 3.8.3 (tags/v3.8.3:6f8c832, May 13 2020, 22:37:02)
[MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on windows version 10.0.19041.264
Just need to open "Python 3.8 Manuals (64-bit)" --> index --> input 'p' on