Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Thank you for confirming that ChainMap.__iter__() would be in the same boat as
bidict if a similar .mapping attribute were ever added to dict_keyiterators.
The specifics of this issue are interesting, but even more interesting to me is
whatever learnings we
New submission from Joshua Bronson :
As suggested by @rhettinger in, I'm creating
a feature request for C implementations of,
ValuesView, and ItemsView.
Because these do not currently benefit from C speedups, they're a
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Thanks for the explanation, Raymond.
> Lastly, pure python hashable sets based on the ABC are not common
This would have implications for other use cases though, that are perhaps more
See, for example, the following code:
New submission from Joshua Bronson : provides a _hash() method that includes the following in
its docstring:
Note that we don't define __hash__: not all sets are hashable.
But if you define a hashable set type, its __hash__ should
call this functi
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Dear Raymond,
Thanks so much for the detailed response!
I wonder if you could explain how this case is different from the following:
>>> c = collections.ChainMap({1: 1}, {1: 2})
>>> iter(c)
>>> isinstance(c, dict) # it'
Joshua Root added the comment:
PR has been marked stale; friendly ping.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Joshua Insel added the comment:
The same problem occurs with the log function from the C standard library,
which Python uses to implement its same-named function.
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Insel :
math.log(536870912, 2) should return 29.0, because 2^29 = 536870912. However,
it instead returns 29.004.
messages: 408986
nosy: joshinsel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: math.log() returns improper output
Joshua Insel added the comment:
According to the documentation for pprint, it is supposed to print objects on a
single line if possible. See the second paragraph here:
nosy: +joshinsel
Change by Joshua Root :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27931
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
When using the pax format, tarfile will zero out the field in the ustar header
for any values that are represented with a float, setting the correct value
only in the pax header. This mainly seems to apply to the mtime. This behaviour
doesn't cause pro
Joshua added the comment:
I think that option 4 would work best but instead of putting any logic in
we could put the logic for working with private modules as well and other edge
cases in
New submission from Joshua :
I was attempting to look through hashlib to try and understand more about
python's built-in hash functions. As part of this, I ran 'help(_hashlib)' which
returns this text: 'MODULE REFERENCE
New submission from Joshua Bronson :
As of bpo-40890 (released in Python 3.10), dict views now provide a public
.mapping attribute, intended to allow users to recover a mappingproxy pointing
to the original mapping.
However, this new attribute can actually point to the wrong mapping for some
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +27187
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua :
pip3.11 install numpy failed on a fresh install of python 3.11.0a on macOS 11.6.
pip3.11 install numpy
Collecting numpy
Downloading (10.3 MB)
|| 10.3 MB 14.1 MB/s
Installing build dependencies ... done
Joshua added the comment:
Update: I'm just dumb, should have used "from import Iterable"
resolution: -> not a bug
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/user/PycharmProjects/phys2/", line 5, in
from collections import Iterable
ImportError: cannot import name 'Iterable' from 'collections'
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Root :
title: 3.1.10rc1 published md5 and size do not match for source archives ->
3.10.0rc1 published md5 and size do not match for source archives
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
The download page lists the following:
Filenamemd5 size
Python-3.10.0rc1.tgzc051bf7a52a45cb0ec2cefbe915417e1 40764776
Python-3.10.0rc1.tar.xz 2861cdd4cf71c6425fde1fedc14bb283 28197832
The downloaded files
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Root :
pull_requests: +24654
Python tracker
Joshua Root added the comment:
The part that is a bug is that the whole version was checked, not just the
major version--you couldn't target macOS 11.0 if your Python was built for
11.3, for example. MacPorts users getting an error in that situation was the
original motivation for comi
Joshua Root added the comment:
Thanks Ned. Would it be OK to backport just the distutils change to 3.9?
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Root added the comment:
Here's the PR for pypa/distutils, which is just relaxing the MDT check since it
has to work with older Python versions:
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Root :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23702
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
The `-undefined dynamic_lookup` option can only be used in LDSHARED on Mac OS X
10.3 and later. There is a fallback to explicitly linking with the framework
for 10.2 and earlier. I'm pretty sure that currently supported Python versions
don't build
New submission from Joshua Bronson :
If I understand correctly, it should be an invariant that in the code below,
for all "Parent" classes, for all "method"s, Child1.method should return the
same result as Child2.method:
class Parent:
def __init__(self, value):
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Root :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22735
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
The line in posixmodule.c that checks for __builtin_available is rejected by
compilers that don't have __has_builtin. The second check needs to be in a
nested #if.
components: Build, macOS
messages: 383437
nosy: jmr, ned.deily, ronaldous
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Please see for the C
implementation of aiter and anext added to builtins, as requested.
title: add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module -> add aiter() and
anext() functi
Change by Joshua Bronson :
pull_requests: +22708
Python tracker
Joshua Root added the comment:
Are there plans to backport PR 22855 to any branches older than 3.9?
nosy: +jmr
Python tracker
Joshua Root added the comment:
Confirmed fixed in 3.9.1 and 3.10.0a3. Thanks Victor!
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Root :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22558
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
There are several cases in the configure script of exit being used without
including stdlib.h, and one case of close being used without including
unistd.h. A compiler that does not allow implicit function declaration, such as
clang in Xcode 12, will error
Joshua Root added the comment:
Looks like this is fixed as of 3.9.1.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Nice to see there is still interest in this from someone else! Thanks, John.
Are any core developers still interested in this?
If I can get a new PR together that adds C implementations of `aiter` and
`anext` to builtins, would a committer still be
Joshua M. Clulow added the comment:
Hi! I'm a member of the illumos core team, and I'm also pretty keen for us to
keep Python support! Some of our core OS build and packaging tooling is
written in Python, and certainly applications like Synapse (Matrix) and Review
Board are im
New submission from Joshua Oreman :
On Python 3.9.0 with the new PEG parser, the following statement produces a
with contextlib.nullcontext(range(1, 5)) as (first, *rest, last):
print(first, rest, last)
On 3.8.x, or 3.9.0 with -X oldparser, it succeeds and prints "1 [2,
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Root added the comment:
> I'm curious. Can I ask you on which platform do you use clang older than 3.2?
Mac OS X 10.7 / Xcode 4.6.3. I'm not using it personally, but we have automated
builds on that platform.
Unfortunately the patch ultimately committed did not fix th
Change by Joshua Root :
pull_requests: +21053
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Root :
versions: +Python 3.10
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Root :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21052
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Root :
Older clang versions don't have __builtin_bswap16, but it's always used when
compiling with clang, which means the build fails with those older versions.
The code should use __has_builtin to check.
components: Build
messages: 375806
Change by Joshua Merchant :
nosy: +Joshua Merchant
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua added the comment:
I'll reopen the PR with an attempted resolution of the OSError related
issues however. In my quick testing it seems at least on Linux
backports.zoneinfo segfaults when trying `ZoneInfo('')` so that
might be a larger issue for Pa
Joshua added the comment:
I had opened a PR which just caught IsADirectoryError and PermissionError
but closed it as you'd mentioned that handling PermissionError that way
probably would not be the best, and I agree. I can reopen and modify to
check path on OSerror if you'd like othe
Joshua added the comment:
tzdata was installed as an admin user, however this behaviour was
reproducible on a linux installation where for the ZoneInfo.('Pacific')
instance an IsADirectoryError would instead be raised.
On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 9:50 PM STINNER Victor
New submission from Joshua :
Attempting to parse specific keys in zoneinfo.ZoneInfo with tzdata installed
will raise unhandled exceptions
e.g. on windows
>>> import zoneinfo
>>> zoneinfo.ZoneInfo('Pacific')
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '
Joshua Oreman added the comment:
This doesn't appear to have been backported to 3.7, even though it's in 3.6.6
and 3.8.0a0.
nosy: +Joshua Oreman, lukasz.langa
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Thanks so much, @oremanj! Indeed, merely subscripting the class triggers the
bug, and your 'del slots' workaround does the trick!
For completeness, there is an updated (yet more minimal) repro below/attached.
"""Repro for P
Joshua Oreman added the comment:
The problem appears to be occurring when the base class is subscripted, not
when it's inherited. I can reproduce this issue on Python 3.6.10 by just
evaluating Base[T].
'del Base.__slots__' after Base is constructed seems to work around the is
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Whittled this down to an even more minimal repro:
"""Repro for Python 3.6 slots + weakref + typing.Generic subclass bug."""
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from weakref import ref
T = TypeVar("T")
class MyGen
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
It turns out that this bug reproduces with any subclass of the generic type
with a weakref slot, even without any multiple inheritance going on.
For example:
class Invertible2(Invertible[KT1, KT2]): pass
is enough to trigger this bug along with the
New submission from Joshua Bronson :
This appears to be a bug in Python 3.6 that I hit while trying to add type
hints to my bidirectional mapping library (
Pasting a working, minimal repro below for easier inline viewing, and also
attaching for easier downloading and
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Joshua Oreman :
The current async generator finalization hooks are per-thread, but sometimes
you want different async generator semantics in different async tasks in the
same thread. This is currently challenging to implement using the thread-level
hooks. I'm propos
Joshua Walden added the comment:
I am interesting in contributing and would like to claim this issue.
nosy: +Joshua Walden
Python tracker
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Root added the comment:
That ValueError I mentioned causes build failures for extension modules
whenever the CFLAGS in sysconfig contains an -isysroot flag in the single arg
form. We ran into it a lot in MacPorts on Mojave and Catalina. So I would
consider it a bug, and would prefer
Change by Joshua Merchant :
nosy: +Joshua Merchant
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Y added the comment:
It always a good idea to sleep on these things before I comment.
Because I compiled SQLite3 under prefix /usr/local, I rebuilt Python 3.8.2 with
`-L /usr/local/lib64` added to my LDFLAGS and now things are working fine (so
Joshua Y added the comment:
I am hitting a possibly related issue.
System is running Centos6.9 and SQLite 3.10.0.
Python 3.8.2 built successfully (using pyenv / python-build), and I can import
the sqlite3 lib with seemingly no issue...
% python3
Python 3.8.2 (default, Mar 21 2020, 20:15:25
New submission from Joshua Kinard :
Inside a MIPS O32 chroot, based on uclibc-ng-1.0.32, if python-27 or python-3.7
are built against ncurses-6.2, then after compilation, there is a crash in the
'_curses' module. Specific to Python-3.7, the crash is in
Joshua Root added the comment:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Root added the comment:
The crash reported by BMinas is reputedly related to the -fstack-check option,
which is said to be on by default when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15. I've
been unable to confirm whether there was just a bug in the beta, or if it's
still a problem on
New submission from Joshua Root :
The path associated with the -isysroot compiler flag can be supplied either as
a separate argument or in the same argument as -isysroot itself. The places in
library code that do special handling of this flag should support both forms,
but currently only
Joshua Cannon added the comment:
Pretty much the same reason you would want to slice any other sequence. You
want some range of values.
top_most_3_dirs = myPath.parents[-3:]
grandparents_and_beyond = myPath.parents[1:]
The same goes for negative indexes
Joshua Cannon added the comment:
> it may explain why negative indices or slices were initially not implemented:
> It already looks like the result of a slice.
Sure the values of the sequence could be thought of as being increasingly
smaller slices of some other sequence, however I
Change by Joshua Bronson :
nosy: +jab
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Joshua Root added the comment:
The follow-up fix (AC_CHECK_FUNC -> AC_CHECK_FUNCS) still needs to be
backported to 2.7. Currently the lack of it causes lchmod to be disabled on all
platforms, not just Linux.
nosy: +jmr
Python trac
Joshua Jay Herman added the comment:
So I changed 'pthread_cond_timedwait' to 'take_gil' and this didn't seem to
have an effect on the unit test.
I installed GDB 8.2 is that the same version you are using?
Joshua Jay Herman added the comment:
I was able to reproduce this on FreeBSD 12.0.
Python tracker
Joshua Jay Herman added the comment:
Hi, I would like to try to solve this issue. Does this occur on the latest
version of FreeBSD?
nosy: +zitterbewegung
Python tracker
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
If the deciders prefer to have these in the operator module for 3.8 (as Yury
and Jelle requested above), my PR from a few months ago which implements this
( can still be merged with no
conflicts. I don't thin
Joshua Oreman added the comment:
I also ran into this. My workaround was to use gc.get_referents() on the
async_generator_asend object, which returns a one-element list containing the
async generator object. I don't know if this is guaranteed or just happened to
work in the cases
Joshua Cannon added the comment:
I created issue35498 about .parents rejecting slices as well. (It was pointed
out this discussion would probably decide that issue's fate)
I think that .parents looking like a duck, but not quacking like one isn't very
Besides, the
Joshua Cannon added the comment:
If it is deemed a bug which needs to be fixed, I've gone ahead and attached the
PR to fix it.
CLA signage is pending approval at the company I work for, with most people out
for the holidays (so it might be a day or two turna
Change by Joshua Cannon :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +10401
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Joshua Cannon :
I would expect the following to work:
>>> import pathlib
>>> pathlib.Path.cwd().parents[0:1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "...\Python36\lib\", line 593, in __getit
Joshua Root added the comment:
This isn't just a cross-build issue, or rather (depending on how you look at
it) cross-builds are increasingly the norm due to Apple only providing a newer
SDK on older OS versions. For example the latest version of Xcode available for
10.12 only comes
New submission from Joshua Honeycutt :
In python 2 documentation
a second argument (ns) is passed to find and findall.
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
I spent a few minutes with git blame/checkout/show and so far have found (via Still reading -- looks like
there were a number of different changes made to round() at the
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Thanks, Mark. Yes, I saw where Tim said round-half-even should be the default,
but I didn't see any proposal to expose it as e.g. math.round_half_even()
instead, nor a more complete look at what other languages do. That, along with
the subject being 2.
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Thanks Serhiy, I read the Python-Dev thread you linked to, but that doesn't
resolve the issues:
- Its topic is Python 2.6 (where this behavior does not occur) rather than
Python 3 (where it does).
- A few messages into the thread Guido does address P
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
This was so surprising to me that I had to check some other languages that I
had handy. It turns out that not one of JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, C++, Java, Go,
or Rust agrees with Python. In fact they all agreed with one another that 2.5
should round to 3
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Interesting, thanks Yury!
I only saw the discussion here which implied these wouldn't go directly into
builtins for 3.8 (and I searched here and in GitHub, and couldn't find the PR
you mentioned either), so I'm curious if that was tracked som
Joshua Bronson added the comment:
Updating the issue title to reflect the decision to add these to the operator
module rather than to built-ins.
Submitted a PR here:
title: aiter() and anext() built-in functions -> add aiter() and an
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