Henry Carscadden added the comment:
Tim, I'm guessing it was a misdiagnosis then. In any case, something changed
about my codebase that alleviated the problem. Thanks for looking into it.
Python tracker
Henry Carscadden added the comment:
@Tim Peters
For example,
the following should reproduce the error:
many_arguments = [[1,2] for i in range(50)]
for term in product(*many_arguments):
In my application, I was taking the Cartesian product of the sets of all simple
path to
Henry Carscadden added the comment:
Hey, Tim, I just wanted a note of clarification. I was working on an
approximation algorithm for a network science tool that is being released soon.
Initially, I relied on itertools.product(), but when I moved to testing on
non-trivial graphs, I
New submission from Henry Carscadden :
The product method in itertools provides an implementation of the Cartesian
product that when run on with many arguments quickly gives out of memory
errors. The current implementation creates a lot of unnecessary lists in this
situation. A more