Gavan Schneider added the comment:
A lot of this is past my level but speaking from my level I just want packages
to be consistent, i.e., if there is a symlink it should point to something
(preferably useful) not dangle as is the case now.
Also I want an installed version to "look the
Gavan Schneider added the comment:
Appreciate the comment about potential problems with mixed installations of
python3 and python2. And note that along these lines there is no attempt by the
installer to symlink python -> python3 (which could have nasty side effects if
the full path was
Changes by Gavan Schneider :
title: Missing symlink:Currnet after Mac OS X 3.3.2 package installation ->
Missing symlink:Current after Mac OS X 3.3.2 package installation
Python tracker
New submission from Gavan Schneider:
There is a missing symlink.
Installed package:
with no apparent problems onto a 'clean' system, i.e., no other python packages
other than OS X 10.8.3 defa