Change by Donald O'Donnell :
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
nosy: DonnieODonnell, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows v3.10.3 .chm file (in python310\doc) page headings are messed up
and spread out over several lines. Als
New submission from Donald O'Donnell :
In of Std Lib, line 153 is now:
y = copier(memo)
Should be:
y = copier(x)
The present version copies the `memo` dict rather than `x`, the object to be
copied by it's __deepcopy__ method.
components: Library (
New submission from Donald O'Donnell : ver 2.6:
line 5474 is "if align == '<':" s/b "if align == '>':"
line 5476 is "if align == '>':" s/b "if align == '<':"