Cyril Nicodème added the comment:
I confirm this problem too, also with the SMTPUTF8 policy.
I was able to reproduce this error on my end (Python v3.7.5).
Note that when calling `message_from_bytes` without policy, there is no errors.
nosy: +cnicodeme
Cyril Nicodème added the comment:
This thread has been really interesting to follow, I'm glad to have opened it :)
I would agree with Barry here, it should follow the documentation.
BUT, I would suggest to add a "strict" parameter that would throw exceptions
depending on th
New submission from Cyril Nicodème :
I'm trying to parse some emails, and I discovered that email.utils.parseaddr
wrongly parse an email.
Here's the corresponding header:
> From: =?utf-8?Q?