Clayton Darwin added the comment:
This is a simple work around.
def fix_tcl_error(s):
if '\\' in s and not ' ' in s:
s = '{'+s+'}'
return s
You can get the text from the Combobox with no issues. The error is in posting
it to the C
New submission from Clayton Darwin :
In working with the ttk.Combobox (Windows XP, Python 3.1), I have found that
setting the values for the popdown using ttk.Combobox['values'] has an problem
converting the string to the proper Tcl value when (and this is the only
instance I
Clayton Darwin added the comment:
I have been working with the ttk module (Windows XP, Python 3.1) and have
encountered some specific issues with ttk.Style() not fully propagating the
style into the widget. In my particular case, there seem to be issues with
setting style in TCombobox and