New submission from Christian Kleineidam :
I'm writing a model that needs a lot of random numbers. The model counts up to
"Year:640: Count:1339" (taking around two minutes) and then hangs on
random.uniform(0, 1). While it hangs, the amount of RAM python takes grows till
Christian Kleineidam added the comment:
My version is: Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:16:59) [MSC
v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Yes, I think the issue is likely a dublicate of
New submission from Christian Kleineidam:
When I past 💙 into the Python IDLE it closes automatically.
I would be fine with the IDLE not being able to display the character.
Automatically closing seems however excessive.
components: IDLE
messages: 266138
nosy: Christian.Kleineidam
Christian Kleineidam added the comment:
A user can use map(), filter(), zip() without knowing anything about
generators. In most cases those function will do their magic and provide a
finite number of outputs.
The weighted_choice_generator on the other hand isn't as easy to use. If the
Christian Kleineidam added the comment:
I like the idea of adding a weights keyword to choice and creating an
additional choice_generator() that also takes weights.
A choice_generator() could take a further argument to allow unique choices and
be a generator version of sample().
In some
New submission from Christian Kleineidam:
g = 2
i = 2
É¡ = 1
a = g + i
>>> 4
Given the font on which this bug tracker runs it's possible to see why a is 4
and not 3. On the other hand there are plenty of fonts (such as Arial, Tahoma
or Courier New) that display chr(103) and chr
New submission from Christian Kleineidam:
Python accepts both tabs and spaces. Code that mixes tab and spaces can lead to
problematic issues. Especially beginners who are new to python can be confused
if they copy some code and it doesn't work as they expected because of issues
of invi