New submission from Ashish Shevale :
Consider the following piece of code
class MyClass:
def do_something(self, a, b = []):
print("b contains", b)
def caller(self):
a = (1,2)
a = MyClass().caller()
a = MyClas
New submission from Ashish Nitin Patil:
Current documentation lacks the example of usage with dictionary keys.
e.g. `itemgetter('sample')({'sample': True, 'How about this': 'Nope'})`
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 30
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Thank you Berker & Skip for your review & additional inputs.
I have added a (probably not so good) unittest for testing the newly added
I have also added the corresponding *versionchanged* info to the documentation
as suggested by Berke
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Also, I noticed in the documentation for `csv.DictWriter`
( does
not contain the following line -
to the writer's file object, formatted according to the current dialect.
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Hi, I have added the "return" to the writeheader method. I ran the tests for
the csv library (./python -m test -v test_csv) and got no errors (Ran 101 tests
in 0.322s; 1 test OK.).
Kindly review the patch.
keywords: +
Ashish Sadanandan added the comment:
Thanks for the reply. MSVC does produce the expected results, I forgot to
mention that earlier.
So I guess this means I can't realistically expect anyone to look into this
problem? I can switch to MSVC but the spotty C++11/14 support is irritating to
Changes by Ashish Sadanandan :
title: MinGW-64 and embedding Python3.4 -> Embedding Python3.4 -
PyUnicode_Check fails (MinGW-W64)
Python tracker
Changes by Ashish Sadanandan :
title: MinGW-64 -> MinGW-64 and embedding Python3.4
Python tracker
New submission from Ashish Sadanandan:
I'm trying to embed Python 3.4.3 (x64) in a program compiled using MinGW-W64
g++ 4.9.2 (output from "g++ -v" attached) and Boost.Python 1.57.0. A simple
example kept crashing at runtime and I managed to track it down to this
testcase (whi
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Always happy to contribute! My first! Looking forward to getting accustomed to
it & doing my part for python.
Python tracker
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Just added my name to the Misc/ACKS.
Added file:
Python tracker
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Made most of the relevant changes & updation to the FAQ.
1. Updated references to Windows 7/XP/Vista & dropped all references &
solutions on older Windows.
2. Also, many of the ending FAQs like cw3215mt.dll, CTL3D32 were completely
dropped as
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Found this -
Seems like my work got a bit easy. Need to truncate the bits & bytes oof the
document so as to fit with FAQ system. I think I will also need to do changes
to the official wiki (online) too. Any
Ashish Nitin Patil added the comment:
Is anyone currently working on this issue? I am a newbie & am really looking
forward to contributing, but, quite unsure of what exact changes need to be
made to the FAQ documentation. The previous comments are very helpful & I am
going to proceed
New submission from Ashish :
I am compiling python 2.6.2 and 3.1.
I tried to compile 64 bit ( ELF 64-bit )python but it gets 32 bit ( ELF
32-bit ).
bash-3.00$ sudo file /usr/local/Python-2.6.2/bin/python
/usr/local/Python-2.6.2/bin/python: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC
or cisco
Ashish added the comment:
Issue seems to be resolved. Please close the issue.
Thanks a lot Mark for your cooperation, support and Guideline.
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Ashish added the comment:
I added vaiable as
export CXX="gcc -q64"
then run
sudo ./configure --with-universal-archs="64 bit" --prefix=/opt/Python-2.6.2/
After completion of configure I removed "O3" from makefile,
then run
sudo make
It seems to be run fine.
New submission from Ashish :
I am getting error while compiling python-2.6.2
OS - Solaris 10 8/07 s10s_u4wos_12b SPARC
bash-3.00$ isainfo -v
64-bit sparcv9 applications
32-bit sparc applications
asi_blk_init v8plus div32 mul32
Paths and defined
18 matches
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