Art Gillespie added the comment:
The problem appears to be that the gzip module simply doesn't support
universal newlines yet.
I'm currently working on the zipfile module's universal newline support
(issue6759) so if nobody else is working on this, I'll do it.
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Latest patch attached.
* Fixed the code that populates the newlines attribute. I think I've
covered all the cases...
* Found another deviation from file object behavior in this module:
Calling read with a negative size parameter does not always retur
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Just found another bug in the code that sets the newlines attribute.
Please disregard issue6759_3.diff
Python tracker
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Hi Victor,
I copied both the return NULL behavior in oss_exit and the oss_self
naming from Objects/fileobject.c:
Should they be changed there as well?
Python tracker
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Hi David,
Thanks for the review. Patch attached.
(1) I've moved that comment to the check's new location.
(2) Fixed the bug and added tests for only one separator. Also added
test data and tests for mixed eol files.
(3) I changed this so tha
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the feedback.
I've attached a new patch that fixes the read(nbytes) behavior--It will
now always return the requested number of bytes regardless of newline
replacement. There's now a unit test for this as well.
I also added th
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Patch for both and attached.
* The universal newline logic is now in read instead of readline.
* UniversalNewlineTests.read_test changed to check for \n rather than
unchanged eol.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +agillesp
Art Gillespie added the comment:
Diff attached
* Added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods to the ossaudio object.
* Updated tests so they pass (attempt to access ossaudio.closed throws
AttributeError instead of TypeError)
My first patch. Please let me know if I did anything terrifically