Change by Antonio Cuni :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22471
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
New submission from Antonio Cuni :
I think that none of these API calls can fail, but only few of them are
documented as such. E.g. PyNumber_Check contains the sentece "This function
always succeeds" but PyBytes_Check does not.
assignee: docs@python
components: Doc
Antonio Cuni added the comment:
I would say that the complex-from-string constructor should be fixed to handle
this special case "correctly".
I find very confusing that we get a different result whether we use a string
literal or not.
For example, in pypy we use the same code f
Antonio Cuni added the comment:
there is still an inconsistency in handling negative imaginary literals:
>>> -1j.real
>>> complex('-1j').real
nosy: +antocuni
Python tracker