New submission from André Bjärby :
The attached (5 line) file will crash ctypes (Python 2.6.6rc2) with a "Floating
point exception" (division by zero at _ctypes.c:2533).
There's no crash with python 2.5.5
assignee: theller
components: ctypes
Changes by André Bjärby :
components: +Extension Modules, Interpreter Core -Documentation
nosy: -andbj
versions: +Python 2.4, Python 2.5 -Python 2.7, Python 3.2
Python tracker
André Bjärby added the comment:
It's documented that "The contents of this dictionary should not be
modified; changes may not affect the values of local variables used by
the interpreter."
The script does the opposite. Perhaps an addition to the documentation?
"The content
New submission from André Bjärby :
Running the attached script shows that locals() behaves differently
depending on whether sys.settrace() is active.
This does not occur when calling locals() in the global scope, only when
used inside functions.
components: Extension Modules