[issue32606] Email Header Injection Protection Bypass

2018-01-20 Thread Dalton Campbell
Change by Dalton Campbell : -- nosy: +barry ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pytho

[issue32606] Email Header Injection Protection Bypass

2018-01-20 Thread Dalton Campbell
New submission from Dalton Campbell : The protection's implemented in https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/email/header.py to prevent Email Header injection can be bypassed by specifying an injected additional header in the following format: exam...@python.org\ncc :injec...@python

[issue32232] building extensions as builtins is broken in 3.7

2018-01-20 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Pablo Galindo Salgado added the comment: It seems that Microsoft compiler does not handle well the circular dependencies between Include/pystate.h and Include/internal/pystate.h so I have included guards for Windows in the new include for Include/pystate.h and deactivated the test in that cas

[issue32232] building extensions as builtins is broken in 3.7

2018-01-20 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Pablo Galindo Salgado added the comment: I have put together a PR with Matthias' patch and a test. -- nosy: +pablogsal ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue32232] building extensions as builtins is broken in 3.7

2018-01-20 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Change by Pablo Galindo Salgado : -- pull_requests: +5103 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing

[issue32603] Deprecation warning on strings used in re module

2018-01-20 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Change by Pablo Galindo Salgado : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +5102 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-

[issue32574] asyncio.Queue, put() leaks memory if the queue is full

2018-01-20 Thread José Melero Fernández
Change by José Melero Fernández : -- versions: +Python 3.5 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: htt

[issue32591] Deprecate sys.set_coroutine_wrapper and replace it with more focused API(s)

2018-01-20 Thread Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum added the comment: Yes, I'm OK with this plan. Note that I've only read Nathaniel's original message and Yury's last message, and I've not reviewed the PR, but getting rid of that eyesore sounds good, and it seems you two have reached agreement. --

[issue32502] uuid1() fails if only 64-bit interface addresses are available

2018-01-20 Thread bbayles
Change by bbayles : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +5101 stage: needs patch -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue32378] test_npn_protocols broken with LibreSSL 2.6.1+

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Change by Christian Heimes : -- pull_requests: +5100 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://m

[issue27682] wsgiref: Windows Error 10053, ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

2018-01-20 Thread William Hingston
William Hingston added the comment: I'm still seeing this with Python 3.6.3 Django 2.0.1 Windows 10 Pro Version 1709 Was this determined to be a Django bug? -- nosy: +William Hingston ___ Python tracker ___

[issue32424] Synchronize copy methods between Python and C implementations of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element

2018-01-20 Thread Gordon P. Hemsley
Gordon P. Hemsley added the comment: >> As discussed above, starting with msg309074, __deepcopy__() is being added >> to the Python implementation because it already exists in the C >> implementation. > > Python implementation shouldn't copy all implementation details of the C > implementati

[issue32603] Deprecation warning on strings used in re module

2018-01-20 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Pablo Galindo Salgado added the comment: +1 to this. I have seen a lot of regular expressions not using raw strings that makes use of "\d" and friends. I will work on a patch to the docs if that's ok. -- nosy: +pablogsal ___ Python tracker

[issue31687] test_semaphore_tracker() of test_multiprocessing_spawn fails randomly (race condition?)

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: To reproduce the issue, someone should increase the system load to make the system slower and make timeouts more likely, and change the order in which processes are run. I'm using the "stress" utility on Linux for that. But sometimes, the best stress tool...

[issue32583] Crash during decoding using UTF-16/32 and custom error handler

2018-01-20 Thread Xiang Zhang
Xiang Zhang added the comment: Another way to crash: >>> import codecs >>> def replace_with_longer(exc): ... exc.object = b'\xa0\x00' * 100 ... return ('\ufffd', exc.end) ... >>> codecs.register codecs.register( codecs.register_error( >>> codecs.register_error('replace_with_longer

[issue32597] Bad detection of clang

2018-01-20 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: > https://bugs.python.org/issue20767 was showing the issue and imho badly fixed. You do realize that the fix was proposed by FreeBSD people and that the upstream Clang issue is still open? -- nosy: +skrah ___ Python t

[issue32583] Crash during decoding using UTF-16/32 and custom error handler

2018-01-20 Thread Xiang Zhang
Change by Xiang Zhang : -- stage: patch review -> needs patch ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue32583] Crash during decoding using UTF-16/32 and custom error handler

2018-01-20 Thread Xiang Zhang
Xiang Zhang added the comment: The problem is utf16 decoder almost always assumes that two bytes decodes to one unicode character, so when allocating memory, it assumes (bytes_number+1)/2 unicode slots is enough, there is even a comment in the code. And in unicode_decode_call_errorhandler_wri

[issue29833] Avoid raising OverflowError if possible

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Change by Serhiy Storchaka : -- dependencies: +chr raises OverflowError ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsu

[issue24334] SSLSocket extra level of indirection

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Change by Christian Heimes : -- pull_requests: +5099 stage: needs patch -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list m

[issue32472] Mention of __await__ missing in Coroutine Abstract Methods

2018-01-20 Thread Andrew Svetlov
Change by Andrew Svetlov : -- resolution: not a bug -> stage: resolved -> status: closed -> open ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: If we agree that the patch is wrong, we should reject it and close this issue. -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue32476] Add concat functionality to ElementTree xpath find

2018-01-20 Thread John Jolly
Change by John Jolly : -- pull_requests: +5098 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsub

[issue32591] Deprecate sys.set_coroutine_wrapper and replace it with more focused API(s)

2018-01-20 Thread Yury Selivanov
Yury Selivanov added the comment: Guido, I'd like to go forward with this and merge Nathaniel's PR. Quick summary: * This issue adds new APIs: a sys.set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth(depth) function and a 'cr_origin' property to native coroutine objects. * By using this APIs, users can op

[issue32550] STORE_ANNOTATION bytecode is unnecessary and can be removed.

2018-01-20 Thread Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum added the comment: There is very little code that depends on __annotations__ at all, and none of it is very subtle. All actual type checking is done by separate tools (mypy, pytype, PyCharm) that don't import the code and don't care about __annotations__. The __annotations__ var

[issue29302] add contextlib.AsyncExitStack

2018-01-20 Thread Nick Coghlan
Nick Coghlan added the comment: Explicitly noting some API design decisions from the review of https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4790: 1. AsyncExitStack will define __aenter__ and __aexit__ but *not* __enter__ and __exit. This makes it unambiguous which form of with statement you need to

[issue32594] File object 'name' attribute inconsistent type and not obviously documented

2018-01-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Ah, yes. When I said "this has been discussed previously", that's the issue I was thinking of but couldn't find. -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed superseder: -> State clearly that open() 'file' param is "name"

[issue31429] TLS cipher suite compile time option for downstream

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: My PR is ready for review. -- nosy: +alex, dstufft, janssen ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bu

[issue32503] Avoid creating small frames in pickle protocol 4

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Change by Serhiy Storchaka : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue32594] File object 'name' attribute inconsistent type and not obviously documented

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Isn't this a duplicate of issue18534? -- nosy: +serhiy.storchaka ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Pyth

[issue32503] Avoid creating small frames in pickle protocol 4

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: New changeset 1211c9a9897a174b7261ca258cabf289815a40d8 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'master': bpo-32503: Avoid creating too small frames in pickles. (#5127) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/1211c9a9897a174b7261ca258cabf289815a40d8 --

[issue32430] Simplify Modules/Setup{,.dist,.local}

2018-01-20 Thread Julien Palard
Julien Palard added the comment: I don't see a use case where one want to edit a file without having his work being tracked by git, can someone shed a light to me on this? I understand that to modify a single configuration point (a path, whatever) a configure option is the right way and is no

[issue32602] Test ECDSA and dual mode context

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Change by Christian Heimes : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue32602] Test ECDSA and dual mode context

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: New changeset bd5c7d238c01b90fbfae8ea45b47bd601900abaf by Christian Heimes in branch 'master': bpo-32602: Test ECDSA certs (#5247) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/bd5c7d238c01b90fbfae8ea45b47bd601900abaf -- ___

[issue32583] Crash during decoding using UTF-16/32 and custom error handler

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Change by Serhiy Storchaka : -- components: +Interpreter Core nosy: +serhiy.storchaka stage: test needed -> patch review versions: +Python 3.6 -Python 3.5 ___ Python tracker ___

[issue32430] Simplify Modules/Setup{,.dist,.local}

2018-01-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: Le 20/01/2018 à 14:22, STINNER Victor a écrit : > > I don't see how adding an option to make one path configurable would make the > build process more complicated. Do you think implementing and maintaing an option has no cost? > It seems like Xavier and Thom

[issue32430] Simplify Modules/Setup{,.dist,.local}

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: > Because we don't want to maintain more config options? Really, I don't to > want to further complicate our build process. I don't see how adding an option to make one path configurable would make the build process more complicated. It seems like Xavier an

[issue25910] Fixing links in documentation

2018-01-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: @guido: in roundup, by default anyone can change the issue title. I imagine he is a new user who just didn't understand that he was doing so. (And indeed, the account was created on 1/19). -- ___ Python tracker

[issue32295] User friendly message when invoking bdist_wheel sans wheel package.

2018-01-20 Thread TestUserEWDurbin
Change by TestUserEWDurbin : -- status: pending -> open title: User friendly message when invoking bdist_wheel sans wheel package -> User friendly message when invoking bdist_wheel sans wheel package. ___ Python tracker

[issue32430] Simplify Modules/Setup{,.dist,.local}

2018-01-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: > Why not adding an option in Makefile or configure to allow to specify a > different path to a custom Setup file? Because we don't want to maintain more config options? Really, I don't to want to further complicate our build process. -- __

[issue30693] tarfile add uses random order

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: I now agree to leave Python 2.7 and 3.6 unchanged. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: > For you particular need it is easy to write an explicit loop and gather the > statistics that your need. I concur with Serhiy: >>> loops=2**15; values = [value/loops for value in t.repeat(10, loops)] >>> import statistics >>> statistics.mean(values) 3.43941

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: I concur with Victor. This will defeat the purpose of timeit. And making the type of the result depending on arguments usually means a bad design. For you particular need it is easy to write an explicit loop and gather the statistics that your need. --

[issue32598] Use autoconf to detect OpenSSL and libssl features

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: Thanks, Andrew -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue32598] Use autoconf to detect OpenSSL and libssl features

2018-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: New changeset ff5be6e8100276647e0077e80869fc022d1bb53f by Christian Heimes in branch 'master': bpo-32598: Use autoconf to detect usable OpenSSL (#5242) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/ff5be6e8100276647e0077e80869fc022d1bb53f -- __

[issue30693] tarfile add uses random order

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: If make this change you need to make similar changes in other places that recursively add files to archives: shutil, zipapp, distutils, and maybe more. -- versions: -Python 2.7, Python 3.6 ___ Python tracker

[issue32226] Implement PEP 560: Core support for typing module and generic types

2018-01-20 Thread Ivan Levkivskyi
Ivan Levkivskyi added the comment: New changeset d911e40e788fb679723d78b6ea11cabf46caed5a by Ivan Levkivskyi in branch 'master': bpo-32226: PEP 560: improve typing module (#4906) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/d911e40e788fb679723d78b6ea11cabf46caed5a -- ___

[issue25910] Fixing links in documentation

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Change by Serhiy Storchaka : -- title: How many "critical"-level open issues are there? -> Fixing links in documentation ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30491] Add a lightweight mechanism for detecting un-awaited coroutine objects

2018-01-20 Thread Nathaniel Smith
Nathaniel Smith added the comment: I have a patch for this, but it will be simplest if we can merge https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/5250 (for bpo-32591) first, because they touch a lot of overlapping code. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: "but after looking more closely at the PR, I see that the statistics gathered are from the (default) 100 runs of each call to timer.timeit()." Ah, don't do that. Timeit runs the same code multiple times and computes the average to compute one value on purpo

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: For minimum vs average, see: https://bugs.python.org/issue28240 -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Pyth

[issue25910] How many "critical"-level open issues are there?

2018-01-20 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: "I will issue a separate PR for it, and then we're good to close this issue." Ok. -- title: Fixing links in documentation -> How many "critical"-level open issues are there? ___ Python tracker

[issue32591] Deprecate sys.set_coroutine_wrapper and replace it with more focused API(s)

2018-01-20 Thread Nathaniel Smith
Change by Nathaniel Smith : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +5097 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-l

[issue29708] support reproducible Python builds

2018-01-20 Thread Chih-Hsuan Yen
Change by Chih-Hsuan Yen : -- nosy: -yan12125 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.py

[issue32589] Statistics as a result from timeit

2018-01-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Steven D'Aprano added the comment: On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 11:48:46PM +, STINNER Victor wrote: > The timeit module of the stdlib computes 5 values by default... I'm > not sure that it's revelant to compute the standard deviation only on > 5 values. I made the same mistake as that: I too

[issue32582] chr raises OverflowError

2018-01-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Perhaps this issue should be raised on Python-Dev, since it changes the old and well-known behavior of buildins. I think that ValueError is more appropriate, but in past we decided to keep OverflowError for compatibility. If change chr(), other code needs t