[PyMOL] PyMol 1.8 crashes on distance measurments (Windows 7)

2016-09-21 Thread Thomas Strunz
Hi all, when I try to perform a distance or angle measurement in PyMol on selecting the second atom, pymol crashes. This is windows 7 64-bit. Issue happens with python 2.7 or anaconda python 3.5. PyMol is installed from: ---

[PyMOL] pymol crashes on distance measurements when clicking on second atom

2016-09-21 Thread Thomas Strunz
Hi All, see tile. Same is true for angle measurement. Windows 7 64-bit. Happens with python 2.7 and anaconda python 3.5. Pymol installed from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pymol How can i solve this issue? Thank You. Thomas

[PyMOL] Upgraded from 1.7 to 1.9: Different behavior

2017-12-15 Thread Thomas Strunz
I've upgraded some of the users to version due to moving to windows 10. It's the build from Christoph Gohlke. We use it mainly for one purpose and to make it easier I created a short pml script to load the data and apply settings. However pymol doesn't behave the same anymore. The sc