Prija Ponnan
Research Student
Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi
Delhi-110007, India
Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program Scholar
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
Factor: 2.326).
*Guest edited by Prof. Diwan S. Rawat, Dr. Prija Ponnan *, this thematic
issue will publish review articles with emphasis on the frontiers of
peptide chemistry and biology covering contemporary and emerging
applications of peptide science involving topics such as *de novo* d
I want to determine van der waals radius of a coumarin molecule.
Pymol has an option to calculate van der waals radius, but it calculate vdw
radius of individual atoms.
Is it possible to determine vdw radius of the molecule as a whole.
Thank you
Prija Ponnan
atom. Can anyone suggest me how i
could determine vdw radius using any software.
Thank you
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Prija Ponnan wrote:
> Hello
> I want to determine van der waals radius of a coumarin molecule.
> Pymol has an option to calculate van der waals radius, but
I want to calculate electrostatic potential and solvant accessible area of
How can I do the above mentioned calculations using Pymol.
Please guide me using tutorials.
Thank you
Prija Ponnan
Can we calculate percentage secondary structural element using Pymol or
please suggest me some other program for this purpose
Prija Ponnan
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