Re: [PyMOL] Fetching scripts

2011-05-04 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi, From a security perspective, it seems like the ideas on the wiki page are all related to securing the remote source. It might be worth considering what could be done to minimize how much pymol has to trust the remote source or the network. A few ideas: - Sandboxing would be ideal, but

Re: [PyMOL] saving maps for a presentation

2011-09-06 Thread Pete Meyer
I don't know if there's a way to do this from within pymol, but it's fairly straightforward to do using mapman (from ccp4) - or your favorite map utility. Pete Tatyana Sysoeva wrote: > Dear Pymol experts! > > I am going to make a presentation with running Pymol during it. I would like > to sh

Re: [PyMOL] how to organize those .py

2011-09-19 Thread Pete Meyer
Another approach would be appending to sys.path, and loading the scripts with import instead of run. Arne Dieckmann wrote: > That is a hot tip. However, can I also specify some path that would tell > pymol the location of my scripts? I have a number of scripts that I need to > call while alread

Re: [PyMOL] Electron Density

2011-12-05 Thread Pete Meyer
isomesh [mesh name], [map name], 6.0 Manas Sule wrote: > Is there some way to show electron density at 6 sigma and above in pymol > especially for metal ions like in Coot? > > Manas > -- All the data continuously

Re: [PyMOL] PyMol 1.4 not running on Ubuntu Linux 11.10

2012-01-11 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi John, I don't think you need a re-install. My take on the problem is that using the repositories installs the pymol libraries to the system python (not sure offhand which that is for ubuntu 11.10). But pymol is apparently trying to start up with "/usr/bin/env python", which is picking up

Re: [PyMOL] PyMol memory, disk, and CPU usage

2012-02-09 Thread Pete Meyer
I've run into similar situations in the past, although in my case usually due to large maps (a 3.5 MB pdb file, or even a set of them, typically requires less memory than a ~50MB electron density map). In my experience, it's much better to load things from scripts (pml) rather than storing thi

[PyMOL] v1.5.0.1: maps and sessions bug

2012-02-15 Thread Pete Meyer
Anyone thinking about upgrading to 1.5 should be aware that there's a bug in loading session (pse) files containing map objects. Loading pse files (I checked ones created with 1.2 or 1.4) deletes these objects and reports an error: "ExectiveSetSession-Error: after names.\nExectiveSetSession-Wa

Re: [PyMOL] v1.5.0.1: maps and sessions bug

2012-02-15 Thread Pete Meyer
right -- in v1.5.0 there was this problem which forced us to > release a "hotfix". PyMOL v1.5.0.1, the current release, fixes this > problem. > > Cheers, > > -- Jason > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Pete Meyer wrote: >> Anyone thinking about upgrad

Re: [PyMOL] Question about ray tracing, set_view, surface smoothness

2012-02-27 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi Gudrun, > But the mesh is black afterwards and not anymore blue. You may want to check your light position, or try a slighter blue. > Is there a chance to keep the color and have less dominant lines for the mesh? I'm not artistically skilled enough to know about less dominant lines, but the

Re: [PyMOL] Using cmd.png with ray=False still ray traces the image

2012-04-17 Thread Pete Meyer
It may be worth trying pymol 1.4 (instead of 1.5) - although this shouldn't make a difference, it might provide some more information (you also mentioned that you've got a large scene - depending on composition 1.4 may use less memory than 1.5). You may also want to try using a pml script vs py

Re: [PyMOL] Normalize ccp4 maps- problem

2012-09-25 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi Vasan, Changing the sampling of the map would require re-calculating it on a different (coarser or finer) grid. This would have only incidental effects on normalizing the map values. Hope this helps, Pete Srinivasan Rengachari wrote: > Dear Pymol Users, > > I am a basic l

Re: [PyMOL] question about biological units, states, etc.

2012-10-03 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi, Look into the "create" command - this should allow you to create a new object from multiple starting objects/selections. Pete Bourgaize David wrote: > Hello, all. > > First let me announce that I am not a PyMOL poweruser, and I have virtually > no experience with crystallography and its d

Re: [PyMOL] Problem Opening Session File

2013-01-08 Thread Pete Meyer
The handling of density maps changed with (I believe) version 1.5 - earlier versions would just load the map as given, later ones appear to try to do symmetry expansion (even if the map isn't covering the ASU). I've seen this result in a similar error message when loading session files (with el

Re: [PyMOL] ccp4 map sigma setting

2013-02-20 Thread Pete Meyer
Unless the values have changed since I last checked the documentations, by default pymol contours maps at 1.0 sigma and coot defaults to 1.5 sigma (for non-difference maps). Pete Yarrow Madrona wrote: > Hi, > > When I display ccp4 maps in pymol they look a bit larger than I am used to > seeing

Re: [PyMOL] Newbie question: launch PyMOL from a link

2013-03-21 Thread Pete Meyer
I suspect this depends on the browser you're using. If you're serving the PDB files with an appropriate MIME-type, and the browser is configured to open files of those types with pymol, then things should work. That said, going through pymol through a web interface seems like it might be more

Re: [PyMOL] loadDir script

2013-04-02 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi James, Assuming your going from the pymol wiki loadDir script; you'd need to change glob(c) loop (sort the list in your preferred order before the loop, rather than using the result list unmodified). If I'm understanding your problem correctly (numbered pdb files being loaded as 1.pdb, 100.

Re: [PyMOL] unable to install pymol on centos 5.10

2013-12-10 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi, It sounds like you should check the version of python you're using to try to build pymol. I've been able to build pymol 1.4.1 using python 2.6.4 (and pmw 1.3.2) on several linux distributions (although I haven't tried on Centos 5.10) and OS X. Hope this helps, Pete Edith Gincel wrote: >

Re: [PyMOL] no module named multiarray -- autodock plugin

2014-01-28 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi Blake, I haven't used the autodoc plugin, but from your stack trace (and a quick check of the numpy install on my system) you may be able to resolve this by changing the "import multiarray" statement to "from numpy.core import multiarray". Hope this helps, Pete Blake Mertz wrote: > Hello, >

Re: [PyMOL] no module named multiarray -- autodock plugin

2014-01-29 Thread Pete Meyer
ur suggestion > and re-installing the plugin, I get the same error message. > > Blake > > > On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Pete Meyer wrote: > >> Hi Blake, >> I haven't used the autodoc plugin, but from your stack trace (and a quick >> check of the

Re: [PyMOL] export surface

2008-10-20 Thread Pete Meyer
Odds are you've heard back from the mapman people by now. But if you haven't, if you've got a map that mapman says is too large you need to increase (or set) the MAPSIZE environmental variable. aka $ mapman MAPSIZE 2000 instead of $ mapman Pete Vahdati N. wrote: > Dear Pymol users, > > Is

[PyMOL] scripting apbs visualization?

2008-12-09 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi, Does anybody have suggestions for the simplest way to script loading an apbs grid and displaying the molecular surface colored by charge (possibly changing the low/high values as well)? I can do this interactively, but have come up blank trying to script this. Thanks, Pete

Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL crashes under Vista Home Premium & Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

2009-01-16 Thread Pete Meyer
> with maximum quality. Size of the relevant PyMOL v1.1 file is 100 MB (or > 31 MB after reducing objects I do not need for the figure production). If lack of memory is the problem, try loading your scene manually or through a script instead of using a session file. For reasons I don't recall a

Re: [PyMOL] running script on startup

2009-02-20 Thread Pete Meyer
> I am trying to fire up a script with pymol -r doit.pml pymol doit.pml should be sufficient (no need for -r). >File "doit.pml", line 2 > select resname SOL Unless the syntax has changed, try 'select resname, SOL'. Does this script work when run from an already started pymol? Pete

Re: [PyMOL] .phs file open in PyMol

2009-03-04 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi, > I have experimental phases/map_coeff's in a .phs file. Can anyone tell me > how to most easily get them read read into PyMol to display electron > density? I assume I need to convert the file somehow first, I usually use > mapman for this utility but don't see an option for .phs files. Fi

Re: [PyMOL] Procedure for adding packages to pymol site-packages?

2009-03-07 Thread Pete Meyer
> how would I go about adding a package to the > $PYMOL_PATH/ext/.../site-packages w/o screwing up the install? > > For most packages the mechanism is "python install". Would this work > to run this from within pymol? With my usual way of installing pymol is to build most of the depend

Re: [PyMOL] advice for the novice movie maker

2009-04-19 Thread Pete Meyer
I wouldn't claim it's necessarily the best way, but if I've had decent luck with scripting the transitions (either pymol or python) to generate a set of images. From there, it's fairly easy to encode a movie with ffmpeg or mencoder. But it probably depends on the type of movie you're trying to mak

Re: [PyMOL] map for one molecule

2009-04-19 Thread Pete Meyer
> Is it possible to load a map to only cover the molecule and not the > complete asymmetric unit? Or is this only possible at the time of > creating the map? Yes and no. For displaying a map, if you give a carve option to isomesh or isosurface, it'll only display around a molecule (or other sel

Re: [PyMOL] get color function?

2009-06-03 Thread Pete Meyer
The way I use (which I'm sure could be improved), is to get the color index with "iterate sele, print color", followed by "print cmd.get_color_index( idx )". This gives you the rgb tuple for the color on 0-1 scale. I'd be curious to know if there's a way to avoid the iterate step, or get the col

Re: [PyMOL] compilation problem with the latest pymol

2009-06-12 Thread Pete Meyer
Looks like you need to install the appropriate python-dev package (or otherwise point to the appropriate include directory if you build python from source). Vivek Ranjan wrote: > I downloaded the latest pymol by using the following command: > > svn co

Re: [PyMOL] Light Command Details needed

2009-08-20 Thread Pete Meyer
Hi Sean, > I ended up using "light, [1,5,-100]. I know these are X,Y,Z > coordinates, but relative to what origin and in what units? After > wasting way too much time, I concluded that the values might be > Angstroms relative to the "eyes" of the current view. In examples I > found onli

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol segmentation fault

2009-09-24 Thread Pete Meyer
> Does anyone have any thoughts? Two things to try that may or may not help: 1. Check if the problem persists when running pymol in single-threaded mode ("cmd.set('max_threads',1)"). libpthread in the trace might indicate that one of the libraries is having issues with multiple threads. 2. On

Re: [PyMOL] Session scene compatibility with MacPymol?

2016-09-09 Thread Pete Meyer
For what it's worth, for teaching/training (and general research use), I've always recommended using pml scripts instead of pse sessions. Turning on logging can help with tracking what should end up going into the pml. It's a little more work, and requires a little more forethought - but it's als