[PyMOL] exporting graphics objects?

2018-03-26 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
Hi; I'm interested in integrating open-source pymol into another package. I'd like to get the graphics representation of the molecule(s); I've looked at the COLLADA exporter and Pymol2glmol. Pymol2gmol uses cmd.get_session() and parses the result; is that the best way to go? th

[PyMOL] how to get session to include CGO graphics objs?

2018-03-29 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
. I'm looking for it to include the graphics objects as well if that's possible. Any hints? -- Gary Oberbrunner -- CEO -- Dark Star Systems, Inc. -- Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world&#

Re: [PyMOL] how to get session to include CGO graphics objs?

2018-03-29 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
; cmd.fetch(mol_id, async=0) > > Does that make a difference? > > Cheers, > Jared > > > On March 29, 2018 at 2:18:29 PM, Gary Oberbrunner ( > ga...@darkstarsystems.com) wrote: > > I'm running pymol "headless" in a script. After initializing pym

[PyMOL] record and replay session?

2018-04-14 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
Is there a way in pymol to record all the typed commands as well as the menu actions (select, show, hide, etc.) so they can be replayed in a script? -- Gary Oberbrunner -- CEO -- Dark Star Systems, Inc. -- Check out the

[PyMOL] Windows PDB file for debugging pymol C extension?

2018-05-09 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
Hi; I'm running into a crash in Windows pymol, in the C extension part (_cmd.cp36-win_amd64.pyd) using pymol open source 2.1.0. I'd like to debug it; is there a symbol file (.pdb) available anywhere? Or failing that, can I rebuild the C extension from source and create a pdb? -- Gary O

Re: [PyMOL] Windows PDB file for debugging pymol C extension?

2018-05-09 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
s for > the pymol source at <https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohl > ke/download/pymol-svn-4189.zip> > > Hope this helps. > > Christoph > > > On 5/9/2018 7:34 AM, Gary Oberbrunner wrote: > >> Hi; I'm running into a crash in Windows pymol, in the C extension part

[PyMOL] export smoother spheres to Collada?

2018-05-15 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
How can I get more sphere subdivision into the Collada export? I've tried sphere_quality 2 and cgo_sphere_quality 2, they seem to have no effect. -- Gary Oberbrunner -- Check out the vibrant tech community on one o

Re: [PyMOL] export smoother spheres to Collada?

2018-05-16 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
ntation > and for CGO spheres. What exactly did you do where it had no effect? > > Cheers, > Thomas > > > On May 15, 2018, at 10:14 PM, Gary Oberbrunner < > ga...@darkstarsystems.com> wrote: > > > > How can I get more sphere subdivision into the Collada

[PyMOL] Collada export using instances?

2018-06-06 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
The collada file exported by pymol would be smaller and export/import faster, I think, if it used geometry_instance for spheres rather than giving each sphere its own geometry/mesh/accessors/etc.. Has that been discussed before? -- Gary

[PyMOL] Collada export with instances?

2018-06-06 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
The collada file exported by pymol would be smaller and export/import faster, I think, if it used geometry_instance for spheres rather than giving each sphere its own geometry/mesh/accessors/etc.. Has that been discussed before? -- Gary Oberbrunner

Re: [PyMOL] Collada export with instances?

2018-06-06 Thread Gary Oberbrunner
ually read COLLADA files with > sphere primitives? We've faced the problem that most tools only handle > COLLADA 1.4, so if PyMOL would use COLLADA 1.5 features, the programs we > know wouldn't read the exported files. See > https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/COLLADA#Limitations