I just got a question: can we use the open source version of pymol for
commercial usage? Or can we develop some commercial tool based on Pymol?
thank you very much.
Don't Limit Your Business.
just wondering is it possible for pymol give alternative
rotamer conformation of a protein residue?
thanks a lot
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I've installed pymol git repo following steps:
However, when I start pymol, it always showed the following messages:
No module named tkintertable.Tables
Unable to initialize plugin 'mtsslDockGui' (pmg_tk.startup.mtsslDockGui).
No module name
I notice that my screen resolution is too high that the font of pymol
GUI looks extremely small. I am just wondering is it possible to
increase them?
thank you very much.
Don't Limit Your Business. Reach for
I've colored object1 in various color in different regions. I am just
wondering how can we copy the color scheme for object1 to object2?
Object 2 is the same protein with object1 but with different conformations.
Thank you very much
I am just wondering is there any hotkey in Pymol so that we can center
in the Ligand automatically? For instance:
If I press keyboard "L", Pymol zoom to ligand binding pocket
Thanks a l
I've got a 3D coordinate in 3D. I am just wondering is it possible to
show it in 2D diagram in Pymol for a ligand so that we can get more
clear idea how exactly the ligand looks like?
thanks a lot
I've got a ligand .sdf file which contains many informations such as:
molecule weight, logP, surface area and so on. I am just wondering is it
possible to display those properties in Pymol?
Thank you very much
Does anybody have any idea whether pymol could label the absolute
configuration (R/S) for a chiarity atom?
Thank you very much.
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I am trying to calculate the protein surface electstatic properities by
APBS plugin in pymol. But it always failed with messages:
Could not find/tmp/1.dx so searching for /tmp/1-PE0.dx
ObjectMapLoadDXFile-Error: Unable to open file!
ObjectMapLoadDXFile: Does '/tmp/1-PE0.dx' exist?
Does a
thanks a lot
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail
thanks a lot for reply.
Problem solved after I specify the maloc library path explicitly in my
tcsh environment.
setenv FETK_LIBRARY /home/albert/install/apbs/apbs-1.4.0/lib
On 10/08/2015 05:02 PM, Andreas Forster wrote:
Hi Albert,
I apologize that I take your email for a grumpy old
e permission to
export them as PDB file or the like
Thank you very much
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.
I noticed that there is a plugin called
I try to rum it with command:
python exportToWeb.py test.pse
However, no any new file generated I am just wondering how shall we
use this script correctly?
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot for further advice.
Here is what I got:
PyMOL> run exportToWeb.py
PyMOL>exportToWeb my
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/albert/install/pymol-1.7.6/modules/pymol/parser.py", line
256, in parse
Dear Osvaldo:
Thanks a lot for further information.
I just run the command
|set pse_export_version, 1.72 |
before I load anything to pymol, then followed the step for exporting.
But it still failed with messages:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/albert/install/
and here is script for this tool
Thank you very much.
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL
Does anybody know whether Nvidia GTX980Ti support Pymol active stereo
3D? I saw someone said that some GTX graphic card may also work, but I
am not sure for this one.
Thx a lot
I think the major concern is how Pymol depicts the pi-pi stacking Of
course we can identify such interaction immediately as soon as we open
the system in Pymol.
However there is no any components to indicate this, eg: we can depict
the H-bond with a dash between two atoms but how could pi
ed wx
Unable to initialize plugin 'mtsslTrilaterate'
I am just wondering how can we solve the problem? I've already installed python
PMW in my machine.
I google it, and cannot find any helpful information....
thanks again
On 11/18/2015 11:16 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> These messages come from third-party plugins that you have installed, see:
> http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/MtsslDock
> http://pymol
I noticed that if we run command:
fetch 2ac1
to get PDB into pymol in Version 1.8.0, it downloaded .cif file by
default. I am just wondering is it possible to change the default format
as .pdb file?
thanks a lot
Thank you very much
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Hi Thomas:
thanks a lot for helpful advice.
May I ask is there any superior features of mmCIF format against PDB format?
On 11/22/2015 04:15 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> Unfortunately the default fetch type can't be configured. But you can
> o
for the ligand). There is a "optimize" plugin
in Pymol, maybe the developer can consider merge them together?
Thank you very much
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Give your
Yes, I also really love this function. However, for the sake of
accuracy, I believe many users will also strongly demand for introducing
forcefield for minimization..I am looking forward to see that
"optimize" plugin would somehow merged into "Molecular Sculpting".At
least, it is very e
just click the b.pdb on the Pymol object manager bar to undisplay it.
That's the basic of basic usage of Pymol. Wouldn't it be nice if you
spend a few minutes to go through Pymol manual?
On 12/11/2015 08:19 AM, Smith Liu wrote:
Dear All,
Suppose by pymol I have opened A.pdb abd B.pdb. Is a
I've compiled pymol-1.8.0 under my Linux X64 OS. I found that Pymol can
start by command:
without any complaints or erros. However, when I try to load a .pdb file
into pymol, pymol always failed with following messages:
I would like to know the XYZ information of a specific atom. I am just
wondering how can we do this? Is there any command line?
thank you very much
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into
I am using the following command line to compile PYmol:
setenv prefix /home/albert/install/pymol/open-1.8
setenv modules $prefix/modules
python setup.py build install --home=$prefix --install-lib=$modules
However, I noticed that there is no the "lib/pyth
Does anybody have any idea whether PyMol support Virtual Reality (VR)?
Can we use the following VR devices to visualize PyMOl in computer?
If yes, will any VR de
I noticed that if I show my structure as cartoon, there would be a
"dashed loop" cartoon filling in the missing part of my structure. I am
just wondering how can we disable PyMol show the missing part automatically?
Thank you very mu
to solve this problem? I am using PyMOL-
I also tested in the latest 1.8.4, it has the same issue.
Thank you very much.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
I see.
It works very well now.
Thanks a lot
On 10/06/2016 10:32 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> "internal_gui" is now a blacklisted setting not be stored or restored from
> session files.
> You can launch PyMOL without internal gui like this f
Pymol doesn't start and I didn't get any error messages from terminal
I am just wondering how can we solve the problem?
Thx a lot
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world
I am using openSUSE 13.2 X64 OS.
Pymol works fine without optirun in 1.8.4.
Here is output from ./pymol -c
PyMOL>python end
PyMOL: normal program termination.
However, when I type
optirun ./pymol -c
I didn't obtain any information.
On 10/10/2016
ank you very much.
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Dear Tsjerk:
Thanks a lot for such prompt reply.
It works very well.
On 12/07/2016 08:46 PM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
Hi Albert,
You can do:
show cell
Developer Access Program
I think you can obtain it from your Linux terminal
On 01/13/2017 10:34 AM, Academic Research wrote:
Pymol Professionals I need your help,
I have the following command:
|iterate n. CA, print resi + ':' + ss |
I use this command in pymol to print out each residue number and its
fantastic job!!
Thanks a lot.
On 01/16/2017 10:16 PM, Sampson, Jared M. wrote:
Dear PyMOL Users,
I am pleased to introduce a new plugin called PyMOLProbity
<https://github.com/jaredsampson/pymolprobity> which allows a PyMOL
user to visualize MolProbity-style structural vali
I've got a pymol .pse file and I am just wondering how can we convert it
with a Linux command line directly to a .html file without opening pymol
Thank you very much.
Check out the vibrant
Hi Thomas,
Thanks a lot for your information. I know this command and that's what I
However, I don't what to open the PyMOL GUI. Is it possible that we run
PyMOL with a text mode and convert the .pse file directly to a .html file?
Thanks again.
On 01/25/201
File "/home/albert/install/pymol/Pymol-script-repo/pymol2glmol.py",
line 152, in dump_rep
int(255 * float(bgcolor[1])), int(255 * float(bgcolor[2])))
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Do you have any idea what's the problem?
THX again.
On 01/25/2017 10:46 PM, Thom
l versions 1.7.4 and 1.6.0. Saving into an obj file works
well when surface_type is set to 0, or 1. Any help?
Dr Albert Solernou
EPSRC Research Fellow,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
RMS along the
trajectory if I simply:
align trj, pdb1
as it is told in:
However, I am unable to get the list of RMS values printed out. How
could I do that?
Dr Albert Solernou
Terribly useful Carsten!
I could easily do a loop and get the RMS along the trajectory:
k = []
for i in range(1,101): k.append(cmd.align("trj","pdb1",mobile_state=i))
for i in range(100): print k[i][0]
On 05/06/2015 04:20 PM, Schubert, Carsten [J
Thanks Thomas,
I was already printing k[i][3] (RMSD before refinement) instead of
k[i][0] (RMSD after refinement) but your "cycles=0" looks cleaner.
On 05/06/2015 05:14 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> Please pay attention to the difference between all
Oh, I see...
It looks like I'll need to end up writing a short script that does the
loop along the trajectory together with a correct RMS calculation.
Thanks for the tip, Carsten.
On 05/08/2015 04:11 PM, Schubert, Carsten [JRDUS] wrote:
> Hi Al,
> based on
g with ubuntu, apt-get), and
compliling the source code from the svn of the current version, 1.2-x.
Same results.
Hope someone can help me,
Now it works!!
En/na Warren DeLano ha escrit:
> (Sorry if this is dupe -- my email client is acting up...)
> the rms_* and fit commands required that the atoms in each selection to have
> matching identifiers: such as chain, resi, segi, resn, etc. You can use t
Dear All,
I was wondering if there is a way to select faces, vertices and/or edges
from a CGO either using the mouse or the command line. How difficult
would be to add this, and how would you do that?
It would be very useful for us if we could get that working.
be very grateful if you could give me some hints on the code
structure, and on how to tackle the inclusion of this new feature.
On 04/08/2016 09:18 PM, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> This is currently not possible and adding this would be a very major project.
Dear All,
I was wondering if there was a way to load a PDB file stored in memory
instead of disk, i. e., a memory file, defined through StringIO or
tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile. Is there a variant of cmd.load that could
handle an open file instead of a file?
Hi Jordan,
I still don't figure out how to do that with "load_object". What is the
"type" for a file handler? Would be "object" the file handler itself?
On 10/26/2016 10:58 AM, Jordan Willis wrote:
> Probably could use load_object instead.
That's lovely, David.
On 10/26/2016 11:56 AM, David Hall wrote:
> https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Read_Pdbstr
> -David
> On Oct 26, 2016, at 3:55 AM, Albert Solernou <mailto:a.soler...@leeds.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I wa
Dear All,
we have been writing a plugin for PyMOL during the last years, released
as GPL. I would like to support PyMOL2, but need to know whether the
code will be made accessible or not. Is PyMOL2 still free software? And
if so, can we get access to the source code?
I found the answer myself, googling in this email list. Sources will be
released early next year, I understood. I'll wait patiently :)
On 22/11/17 11:49, Albert Solernou wrote:
Dear All,
we have been writing a plugin for PyMOL during the last years, released
as G
57 matches
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