Dear all
Got this script
load ./1ema.pdb
load ./1emg.pdb
set grid_mode, 1
png picture.png, dpi=300, width=1920, ray=1
When I try to run in a linux terminal `pymol script.pml` I get no grid.
When I try the same lines with pymol opened, I get a grid.
What's going on?
Thanks a lot!!
Hi Francisco,
Which version of PyMOL are you using?
Jarrett J.
On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 2:30 PM Francisco Murphy Pérez <> wrote:
> Dear all
> Got this script
> ```
> load ./1ema.pdb
> load ./1emg.pdb
> set grid_mode, 1
> png picture.png, dpi=300, width=1920, ray=1
Hi.. I am using the open source version.
PyMOL 2.5.0 Open-Source, 2024-01-25
Installed in Fedora with `sudo dnf install pymol`
Thanks for your help!!
PS Tried, several times, to buy the new 3.x version but paypal would not
let me...or something.
El lun, 20 may 2024 a la(s) 12:36 p.m., Jarrett
Hi Francisco,
This issue seems to be fixed between 2.5 and 3.0. I recommend finding a
PyMOL 3.0+ open-source build. The release was in the past month, so I
assume it may take some time for package managers to come up. I believe
conda-forge has a 3.0 open-source build ready to go if you use conda.