Hello PyMOL users,
In addition to the current PyMOL interface for zoom settings (shown below),
is there a command to get a zoom setting like say 15 Angstrom sphere?
[image: image.png]
Many thanks,
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The following command is issued when you click on GUI:
cmd.zoom('center', i, animate=-1)
zoom center, i, animate=-1
where "i" would be 15 in your case.
On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 10:56 AM Neena Susan Eappen
> Hello PyMOL users,
> In addition to the current PyMOL interface for zoom s
Thank you Jarrett, that works very well!
On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 12:54, Jarrett Johnson <
jarrett.john...@schrodinger.com> wrote:
> The following command is issued when you click on GUI:
> cmd.zoom('center', i, animate=-1)
> or
> zoom center, i, animate=-1
> where "i" would be 15 in your c