[PyMOL] Open source v2.3.3

2020-02-12 Thread Ioannis Riziotis
Hello, I am using open-source pymol v2.3.0. However I have come across a bug when trying to ray trace transparent sticks, where transparency is not rendered at all. In a previous mail of mine, I was told that this issue had been fixed in version 2.3.3. This version is not available in GitHub to

Re: [PyMOL] Open source v2.3.3

2020-02-12 Thread Jarrett Johnson
Hi Ioannis, The corresponding commit was already pushed to master last May ( https://github.com/schrodinger/pymol-open-source/commit/6974848242f7685243c2ed648a957fa2cceb6de8). Does is still not work? On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 9:26 AM Ioannis Riziotis wrote: > Hello, > > I am using open-source pym

[PyMOL] Assign different color to dash lines

2020-02-12 Thread Mirna Damergi
Good Afternoon, I want to assign different colors to dash lines to highlight the distance of residues to atom A compared to atom B. Is that possible ? Thank you, Mirna _ Mirna Damergi BGSA VP Events MSc Student, Noskov Lab Centre of Molecular Simulation Department

Re: [PyMOL] Assign different color to dash lines

2020-02-12 Thread Ali Kusay
Hi Mirna, If you have generated a measure object like “measure01” i.e. using the measure wizard I PyMOL you can simply select the color like your would for any other PyMOL object. You can also use the set dash_color command to set all dashed lines to a single color, or selectively apply color t