Dear Yu,
Try this bash script and then run "pymol all.pdb” in your PDB directory. this
might help you view your files as a trajectory.
for i in {1..3000}
# change frame_$i.pdb to your file name. for example mine is frame_1.pdb
[ -f "frame_$i.pdb" ]
PyMOL uses some preprogrammed space group operators to generate
symmetry-related molecules. These molecules are numbered _010, _020,
_030. I need to know which operators these correspond to for space group
18, P21212.
Does anyone know where this can be found? There are different
Hi Mark,
The first two digits of the code correspond to the zero-based index of the
symmetry operators list found here:
The following three digit pairs correspond to the X, Y, Z unit cell offsets
along that axis