a disabled object will not show any display, but you can easily work with
selections, provided that a selection is defined.
Try something like:
hide everything object
show sticks selection
On Jun 19, 2017 6:00 AM, "Vijay Masand" wrote:
> Dear All,
> With the help of inte
Hi Andreas
That's the solution I was looking for. Thanks.
On 6/19/17, Andreas Warnecke <4ndreas.warne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hej,
> a disabled object will not show any display, but you can easily work with
> selections, provided that a selection is defined.
> Try something like:
Dear PyMOL Users,
I am looking for a command which can determine the separation of two
atoms in terms of chemical bonds. I would like to use it in a script to
assign atom types for peptide molecules. Does any of you have an idea
for that?
Thanks in advance,
Andras Wacha
András Ferenc Wacha,