First off, when the documentation includes square brackets in the command
it indicates optional arguments. You don't include them in the command
itself. In this case, pair_fit takes alternating selections from obj1 and
obj 2. It also requires that the number of atoms in each selection be
equal. I u
Hi Spencer,
Thanks a lot for that very useful information.
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Spencer Bliven
> First off, when the documentation includes square brackets in the command
> it indicates optional arguments. You don't include them in the command
> itself. In thi
Hi everyone,
Can someone please assist me opening this pdb file? I am trying to open EmrE
protein (pdb: 3B5D) in Pymol a and show it as cartoon representation, but it
opens up as many little cross signs seem to be corresponding to CA atoms. When
I try to preset it pretty or any other preset opt
Hi Mohsen,
The PDB file of 3B5D only contains CA atoms, so most rendering like cartoon
fails. You could try to visualize it by "set ribbon_trace_atoms, 1" and then
show it as ribbon.
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