I'm trying to adapt this script in python to do a variety of different
mutations from a csv file using this previous message as a template.
I'm a python novice so please excuse me if this is something simple. Here
is a line that I
Hi Tim - It seems to me that cmd.get_wizard() needs some argument to be passed
to it, because right now that function is returning `None`. This explains the
error, which states you're trying to call .set_dep() of a `None` object.
Hope that helps.
On Oct 11, 2016, at 2:48 PM, Tim
Yes I totally agree, the question I have is "What needs to go there?". I
tried using things like:
since in the previous line I called:
but then I get this error:
Traceback (most recent
cmd.get_wizard() takes no arguments and returns the current active wizard. If
there is no active wizard, it returns None.
PyMOL> print cmd.get_wizard()
PyMOL> cmd.wizard("mutagenesis")
PyMOL> print cmd.get_wizard()
There is no wizard architecture documentation other than code, I'm sorry.