Re: [PyMOL] Rotate protein to align principal axes

2016-09-01 Thread #YEO JINGJIE#
Hi Jared, Thank you very much for your information. However, it seems that orient only changes the viewpoint, may I know whether it would possible to change the coordinates accordingly and save it into a pdb? Best Regards, Jingjie On 31 Aug 2016, at 10:16 PM, Sampson, Jared M. mailto:jms2...@

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol Command window not displaying

2016-09-01 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi Srikanth, Is your custom Python installation properly set up with the custom Tcl/Tk installation? Does the following work and open a Tk window? shell> /app/python/intel/2.7.12/bin/python # path guessed python> import Tkinter python> Tkinter.Tk() If not, then I think you need to set TCL_L

Re: [PyMOL] Rotate protein to align principal axes

2016-09-01 Thread #YEO JINGJIE#
I think I've answered my own question: Thanks a lot Jared! On 1 Sep 2016, at 9:47 AM, #YEO JINGJIE#>> wrote: Hi Jared, Thank you very much for your information. However, it seems that orient only changes the v

Re: [PyMOL] Rotate protein to align principal axes

2016-09-01 Thread Spencer Bliven
Jingjie, I've used a script for calculating the principal components ( The computeprincipalaxes function returns the axes. With a bit of linear algebra you should be able to use that to get a transformation matrix to apply to the coordinates. This can be

Re: [PyMOL] Rotate protein to align principal axes

2016-09-01 Thread #YEO JINGJIE#
Hi Spencer, Thank you very much for the script! I'll test it out right away. Best, JJ On 1 Sep 2016, at 10:31 AM, Spencer Bliven>> wrote: Jingjie, I've used a script for calculating the principal components ( The comp