[PyMOL] Pymol spheres/circles

2016-08-30 Thread Smith, Laura
Hi, I'm pretty new to Pymol and not that great with all the syntax etc. I am wanting to easily show where a mutation is located in cartoon model. I've tried to label the residues with spheres but it generates more than one dot and that's not what I want. I just want one single sphere/circle/do

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol spheres/circles

2016-08-30 Thread Osvaldo Martin
Hi Laura, Read here how to select a single atom using the GUI. Or using the command line and the selection albegra do something like: select mutan

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol spheres/circles

2016-08-30 Thread Sampson, Jared M.
Hi Laura - You can also choose single atom selection mode through the menu: click Mouse > Selection mode > Atoms and then click your alpha carbon atom. However, it can be tricky to hit the right atom if you're only looking at a cartoon representation, so I usually prefer to use the PyMOL comma

[PyMOL] Making movies with PyMol

2016-08-30 Thread COSTA Maria
Hello everyone, I know how to use PyMOL to do different types of figures, rather simple ones. Now, I would like to learn how to make movies with PyMol. Not only rotations of an object but also movies showing how two residues come into interaction or how a residue moves from one position to the

[PyMOL] Pymol Command window not displaying

2016-08-30 Thread Srikanth Gumma
Hi, I recently installed pymol from source using python-2.7.12 in my cluster. I have to install python, tcl in a non standard location as this is a cluster. After successful installation of pymol, I'm facing an issue while opening pymol. I'm not able to see pymol command window, and receiving the