Hi everyone,
I want to render images of frames of my trajectory that loaded in pymol
with the script below. After running this script, pymol outputs images and
they are all the same. So what's wrong with my script?
for i in range(1, cmd.count_states()+1):
cmd.set("state", i, "traj")
Hi soumi -
A command-line version of what David said is the following:
save new_complex.pdb, protein_selection or dna_selection
where `protein_selection` and `dna_selection` include all the atoms you want to
have in the final PDB. They could be object names if you have each protein and
the D
Hi Dd H -
`cmd.set` is the wrong command to use here. (It's for changing settings, not
for going through states, although some settings can be applied to only a
specific state).
Instead, you should use `cmd.frame(i)` to move to that frame (state) number.
Note that the `width` and `height` arg