Re: [PyMOL] Reducing the surface rendering load for JSmol export

2013-07-18 Thread Robert Hanson
Nick, if these are just molecular surfaces, there is nothing to do in PyMOL. The PSE files have only an indication of which atoms to create the surface for, not the surface itself. Jmol/JSmol reads the PSE files directly, determines what molecular surface to create, and uses its own algorithms. Ri

[PyMOL] Reducing the surface rendering load for JSmol export

2013-07-18 Thread Greeves, Nick
Thanks Thomas and Bob, I had tried surface_quality with little effect. The "doCACHE" option does indeed shrink the files which make the web transfer faster but then JSmol still has to work very hard to render the large molecules and their surfaces. Once loaded the generation of molecular surfac

[PyMOL] NVIDIA 3D error

2013-07-18 Thread Richard Harper
I think I have tried all the solutions available. I continue to get: error: the requested 3d display mode is unavailable. I can run all the examples; apparently correctly. ASUS VG248 monitor NVIDIA quatro K600 video card NVIDIA 3D vision Suggestions? Dick ---