Dear all,
I have a question regarding CEalign d0 and d1 parameter. What exactly are
their functions?
I don't know enough C++ to decipher the algorithm but they are used
findPath() in ccealignmodule.cpp. It seems that that d0 controls a
similarity matrix and d1 the path length. A d1 below a cer
Hi Quyen,
It's been a few years since I wrote that but here is what I recall:
D0 is a constant cutoff that represents the upper bound of dissimilarity
for the difference of two distance matrices A_i and B_j, rooted at
subsequences i to i+8 and j to j+8, respectively. Raising this value allows
Hello everyone,
I've been trying to write a script to orient two particular molecules with
respect to one another. I do this by calculating a translation vector
between the two and then using cmd.translate to move the second object to
the desired location. However, this didn't seem to have the des
Hi Kyle,
the translate command has a "camera" argument, which controls whether
the vector is in camera space (default) or in model space. You want
model space, so you need:
PyMOL>translate [1, 0, 0], glycan*, camera=0
Kyle Sutherland-Cash wrote, On 04/17/13 19:47:
> Hello every
Thank you Jason.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Jason Vertrees <> wrote:
> Hi Quyen,
> It's been a few years since I wrote that but here is what I recall:
> D0 is a constant cutoff that represents the upper bound of dissimilarity
> for the difference