Dear PyMOL Users
I use the following script to prepare small side chain fragment PDB
files of mutants in PyMOL:
I use the PyMOL built-in mutagenesis wizard and the sculpting wizard to
locally optimize the side chains within the environment of the protein.
For large am
> My mistake, I omitted "set matrix_mode, 1" and realized in Movie School 5
> that not setting this to "1" would cause the object motions to not be
> captured. I will add this to the PyMOL-Wiki.
That tutorial is mostly correct, but as you've noticed, a bit out of
date. Please feel free to
Hello, all.
First let me announce that I am not a PyMOL poweruser, and I have virtually no
experience with crystallography and its data files. I have been plugging along
using the PyMOLwiki as my knowledge-base for years, but cannot seem to wrap my
head around certain issues.
For example, 6pfk
Look into the "create" command - this should allow you to create a new
object from multiple starting objects/selections.
Bourgaize David wrote:
> Hello, all.
> First let me announce that I am not a PyMOL poweruser, and I have virtually
> no experience with crystallography and its d
Hi Dave,
You can set the chain identifier for each object
alter object, chain="A"
And then you can create a new object
create alltogether, chain A+B+C+D
That object you can then use for fitting.
Hope it helps,
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Bourgaize David wrote:
> Hello, all.