[PyMOL] Coordinates of ligand-binding site

2012-07-18 Thread James Starlight
Dear PyMol users! Some of docking servers (e.g swiss dock) which I'm using need in explicit definition of the coordinates (in XYZ) of the docking region as well as coordinates of its COM. How I could obtain such coordinates of intrested pdb file based on the knowing protein-ligand interaction sit

Re: [PyMOL] Coordinates of ligand-binding site

2012-07-18 Thread Jordan Willis
I'm thinking a good work around is simply this. Select the binding site of the amino acids and ligand in pymol. Then copy those selected aa's and atoms to another object: save -> model -> copied_object as output.pdb output.pdb will then contain all the x,y,z coordinates of only what was

Re: [PyMOL] Coordinates of ligand-binding site

2012-07-18 Thread James Starlight
Jordan, Thank you for advise. I've tried to do the same already but 1- In Resulted pbd file ( with ligand and surrounded residues only) the coordinates of ligand and residues have been changed in comparison to the initial pdb/ How to prevent it? 2- The resulted pdb consist of coordinates of e

Re: [PyMOL] Coordinates of ligand-binding site

2012-07-18 Thread Thomas Holder
Hi James, the "get_extent" command in PyMOL will give you the corners of the selected region, from which you easily can calculate center and edge lengths. http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Get_extent Example: box = cmd.get_extent('sele') print 'Center:', [(a+b)/2.0 for (a,b) in zip(*box)] print '

Re: [PyMOL] Editing of the pdb structure

2012-07-18 Thread James Starlight
Dear all! I have input multi state structure consisted of protein in one state and ligand in the second state generated by Chimera. I want to merge both of that objects in one common object. How I could do it? James 2012/7/18 James Starlight : > Dear all! > > > I have input multi state structu