Hi Osvaldo,
There is currently no way to do this. If you'd like to see it
implemented, please file it on the PyMOL open-source feature tracker.
-- Jason
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Osvaldo Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> PyMOL has an option to save the current view as an image, but it is
Dear PyMol users!
I've desided to make this topic for my questions linked with the
mutagenesis wizard setup.
First of all I've already tried to make some point mutations in my proteins
and all worked perfect. I just want ask about definition of the new
torsions for the mutated residue. E.g I hav
Thanks Thomas
I've just one extra question about ligand sites.
As I've said previously I can obtain information about polar contacts
between ligand and its surrounding residues via Present- ligand sites.
On the next step I mask all other non relevant parts of the protein ( wich
are represented a