First, thanks a lot for your help. Pymol with cctbx works now for me.
I changed the script "pymol" and replaced "/usr/binpython" to "python"
and thats it. Few more questions:
(i) draw_cell.py uses lavv.pdb as an example. Where can I find this
pdb file ? Basically, I am making my own pdb fi
Hello Vivek,
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:21:03 -0400 Vivek Ranjan wrote:
> Hello,
> First, thanks a lot for your help. Pymol with cctbx works now for me.
> I changed the script "pymol" and replaced "/usr/binpython" to "python"
> and thats it. Few more questions:
> (i) draw_cell.py uses lavv.pdb
Thank you once again. I have been trying to change the color of the cell.
cell = []
cell = cell + vert_000 + vert_100 + [radius] + [0,0,0] + [1,0,0]
cell = cell + vert_000 + vert_010 + [radius] + [0,0,0] + [0,1,0]
if I
append and extend are Python functions. "cell = []" asks Python to
create you a Python list and name it "cell." For more information on
list functions see the Python docs
about mutable sequence types.
-- Jason
Hi Vivek,
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 13:18:07 -0400 Vivek Ranjan wrote:
> Thank you once again. I have been trying to change the color of the cell.
> cell = []
> cell.append(CYLINDER)
> cell = cell + vert_000 + vert_100 + [radius] + [0,0,0] + [1,0,0]
> cell.append(CYLINDER)
> cell = cell +
This may be a very simple problem to solve. How do I select chain-specific
individual residues in the command line? For example:
1PSO.pdb has two chains: E and I.
If I enter [select catalytic, resi 2] I get the residue I want selected BUT
i also get residue 2 in the I chain selected - w
Hello Matthew,
You write something like and chain A. To select chain A.
In your case, doing select catalytic, resi 2 and chain E should do the trick
João [...] Rodrigues
@ http://doeidoei.wordpress.org
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:28 AM, Matthew Jenner
> Hi PyMOL,
> This may be
Hi Matthew,
You can specify a chain with "chain X" or the abbreviated "c. X" where
X is the chain identifier. In your case,
# select residue 2 from chain E
select catalytic, resi 2 and chain E
# same as above
select catalytic, i. 2 and c. E
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