[PyMOL] Laptops for stereo 3D

2010-02-24 Thread Stefano Marzi
Hi everybody, Do you have any suggestion about new laptops that can support Active or Passive Stereo 3D visualization with Pymol? Thank you, Best, Stefano -- Dr. Stefano MARZI UPR 9002 CNRS-ARN Université De Strasbourg IBMC 15 Rue René Descartes 67084 Strasbourg-France Phone +33 (0)3 8841705

[PyMOL] hi

2010-02-24 Thread mohan raj
hi all: -- Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high ma

[PyMOL] hi

2010-02-24 Thread mohan raj
hi all: i am a new to pymol. could some one tell me more about the programs involved in ligand interaction. could i do protein protein interaction simulateions using pymol??? -- Download Intel® Parallel Studio

Re: [PyMOL] hi

2010-02-24 Thread annalisa bordogna
I'm afraid not. You should use docking programs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macromolecular_docking). Cheers, Annalisa 2010/2/24 mohan raj > hi all: > > i am a new to pymol. could some one tell me more about the programs > involved in ligand interaction. > >could i do protein prote

Re: [PyMOL] Laptops for stereo 3D

2010-02-24 Thread sette
Hi Stefano, in principle intel graphic should not work properly for some molecular graphic packages. I heard from some mailing list. ciao ciao, Marco Def. Quota "Stefano Marzi" : > Hi everybody, > > Do you have any suggestion about new laptops that can support Active or > Passive Stereo 3D

Re: [PyMOL] hi

2010-02-24 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi Mohan Raj, >From the description it is clear that Pymol is a *visualization* program. So, no, it can not do simulations of any sort. Cheers, Tsjerk On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:36 PM, mohan raj wrote: > hi all: > >     i am a new to pymol. could some one tell me more about the programs > invol

Re: [PyMOL] Laptops for stereo 3D

2010-02-24 Thread Sabuj Pattanayek
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:50 AM, Stefano Marzi wrote: > Hi everybody, > > Do you have any suggestion about new laptops that can support Active or > Passive Stereo 3D visualization with Pymol? AS5738DG-6165 http://us.acer.com/acer/productv.do?LanguageISOCtxParam=en&kcond61e.c2att101=56746&sp=page

[PyMOL] Third CCP4 workshop in USA, at APS, June 10-17

2010-02-24 Thread Sanishvili, Ruslan
Dear Colleagues, Building on the success of the past 2 years, we are pleased to announce the third annual CCP4 workshop at Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). All details can be found at http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/schools/APS-2010/ Title: "CCP4 school: From data co

Re: [PyMOL] hi

2010-02-24 Thread David Hall
If you would like to use a server for protein-protein docking, you can check out the nice list on the wikipedia page for CAPRI. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Assessment_of_PRediction_of_Interactions#List_of_predictions_servers_participating_in_CAPRI If you're looking for actual pieces of

Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL-users Digest, Vol 45, Issue 10

2010-02-24 Thread Kin Sing Stephen Lee
Hello, I have gone through the tutorial and follow every single step. The plugin said it successfully generate the receptor pdbqt file. However, when I get to the docking, it still cannot detect the receptor so I cannot run any autogrid or autodock. Is there any reason for that? Thank y

[PyMOL] Scene/Mview question

2010-02-24 Thread Zach Charlop-Powers
Hello Pymol-ers, I am trying to script pymol to make some movies. I would like to: 1) move the molecules around and save their states somehow (as a state or scene or something to that effect). After that, I would like to be able to 2) move the camera around independently of the molecules to give a

Re: [PyMOL] Scene/Mview question

2010-02-24 Thread Jason Vertrees
Zach, I remember my grad-school days hacking away at PyMOL movies. It can be fun, but sometimes frustrating. I used to love to watch the audience while they watched a really cool molecular movie. I rescripted your movie to perform the trna movements and also rotate around the scene as the movie