[PyMOL] Secondary Structure Matching

2009-10-21 Thread Kerff Frédéric
Hello, Is there a way to perform secondary structure matching with Pymol. I already tried the align function with different selections without any success but the 2 proteins obviously share the same fold with low sequence identity. I know it can be done in other software like Coot but I'd like to

Re: [PyMOL] Secondary Structure Matching

2009-10-21 Thread Hugo Gutiérrez de Teran
I normally use this command with that purpose: align obj1&(ss h)&name ca, obj2&(ss h)&name ca That is, obj2 is structurally aligned onto obj1 on the basis the CA trace on the regions where secondary structure matches alfa helix (ss h) Hugo Kerff Frédéric wrote: > Hello, > > Is there a way to per

Re: [PyMOL] Secondary Structure Matching

2009-10-21 Thread Warren DeLano
Fred, You might try "super" instead of align (same syntax). Failing that, you can use "pair_fit" with explicit selections -- just make sure the number of atoms is the same in each of the selections. Cheers, Warren > -Original Message- > From: Kerff Frédéric [mailto:fke...@ulg.ac.be] >

Re: [PyMOL] Saving high resolution images

2009-10-21 Thread Thomas Stout
Here's a crazy idea: if someone out there were clever at both python and manipulating orientation matrices, I would bet that a "scene" could be quartered or cut into eighths and "translated" such that each portion filled the viewport for rendering; then the individual images could be spliced bac