[PyMOL] Creating a single PDB from two PDB - ala docking by hand

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Benson
Dear All, I am trying to build a single PDB file from two different PDB files. One PDB has a small organic ligand, and the second PDB contains amino acid side chains from an active site. I load both PDB files, but I want to "freeze" the orientation of the amino acid side chains PDB ( not move

Re: [PyMOL] Creating a single PDB from two PDB - ala docking by hand

2009-09-03 Thread H. Adam Steinberg
Bring up both pdb files in one session, orient the ligand by going to editing mode and using the shift key with the left mouse button (3 button mouse mode) to move just the ligand. Once you have it in the position you want, type select all in the command line and then hit enter, In the A menu for