On 13:10 Thu 29 Jan , Abhinav Kumar wrote:
> Is there someway to select and show conserved residues when a bunch of
> superimposed structures are loaded into Pymol?
> And if so, can identical and similar residues be selected separately?
I often use ConSurf, which will give you a PDB with a co
Dear all,
Once again, I need some help from pymol experts. I would like to select
surface residues via the surface calculation algorithm of Pymol. Is this
possible? What is the surface calculation algorithm that Pymol use and is
it scattered among many source-code files or is it contained in ju
We have created a wizard that we would like to distribute, however a fair
number of our users will be using the MacPyMOL version. It seems that the
Plugin menu has been disabled as well as running scripts from the
"file->run..." menu. Also plugin scripts dropped by hand into the
Please note that we have not taken anything away! MacPyMOL simply is
not (and has never been a Tcl/Tk/Tkinter)-based application in its
default configuration.
To run it as an X11-based Tcl/Tk: First, make sure that X11 is
installed and launched. Then make a copy of MacPyMOL and r