Hi Nasir,
Incentive PyMOL 1.7.6 introduced a cross-object order independent transparency
mode (transparency_mode=3). The method is a heuristic and not as pretty as ray
tracing, but useful since it guarantees that nothing gets accidentally hidden
due to rendering method limitations. Not sure if
Thanks for the tip Adam!
However, it would be nice to make movies in the way I requested.
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 12:41 AM, H. Adam Steinberg <
h.adam.steinb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get around this by rendering both items separately and then combining
> the two images in photoshop.
> I
I get around this by rendering both items separately and then combining the two
images in photoshop.
Is there a way to do what Nasir is asking directly in PyMOL?
> On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:15 AM, Nasir Bashiruddin wrote:
> Hello!
> So, I've had this problem for a while now.
> I have a
So, I've had this problem for a while now.
I have a ligand that goes deep into a protein.
I have the ligand with stick representation.
I have the protein in cartoon representation.
I have both ligand and protein surfaced with 0.5 transparencies.
The ligand surface is yellow and the pro