2. When showing a cartoon of DNA the ribose ring in the backbone is
always there no matter which setting you choose. How can I make the
phosphates and the ribose rings show as a backbone cartoon "tube" and
keep just the bases as filled sticks with rinngs?
load nuc_acid.pdb
as cartoon
You can look into 3DNA out of Rutgers
(http://rutchem.rutgers.edu/~xiangjun/3DNA/). To make the image you
describe you will also need to use Raster3D. 3DNA has some basic
scripts for this but you will need to write your own to get the image
you describe.
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at
I have three questions I'm hoping someone can help with.
1. Does anyone have, or can anyone point me to a program that will
generate a nice pdb file that contains 50 or so base pairs of random
sequence B form DNA with hydrogen bonds between the bases or no H bonds?
I need to be able to scultp