Thank you, Tsjerk, that's helpful.
To date, we are successfully interpreting all of the following:
-- atoms with labels
-- bonds
-- standard PyMOL rendering, including:
-- lines
-- sticks
-- nonbonded (stars)
-- nb_spheres
-- cartoons of vari
Hi Bob,
I notice that this question has not yet been answered, unless you have
received private answers. To start with the second question, this list is
followed by those who are most involved in the code, and, AFAIK, there is
no specific developers list (I do care to know if there is :P). Also fo
Hello, PyMOL users!
I'm new to this list. Some may recognize me as the current principal
developer of Jmol. Until recently I hadn't explored PyMOL much, mostly
because I'm not myself a biochemist. For about three months now, though,
Jaime Prilusky (Weizmann Institute) and I have been working on a