Re: [PyMOL] multi-step movie

2002-10-18 Thread Kristian Rother
Hello Gabriel, Your Questions: 1. How can you make a molecule rotate 10 times only, go to and download the movieScript module and issue the following commands: mvClear mvRot 1-500,x,3600 mvCmd 501,mstop movie Explanation: This tells movieScript to rotate the molec

[PyMOL] multi-step movie

2002-10-17 Thread gabriel rosenblum
Hi. Few questions about movies : 1. How can you make a molecule rotate 10 times only, using script commands ? right now the only way is to press the stop-butoon at the lower-left pannel, but i want the script to stop it after 10 rounds. 2. Is there any script command, that put the script on "hold"