Thank you all. I haven't tried to re-compile the pymol again yet. But
the pre-compiled version that I tried to install is the newest one. I
guess probably something is not right with my Fedora 6. I will try to
compile it from the source code later.
Nian Huang
Dept. of Biochemsitry
UT Southwestern
; From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Nian Huang
> Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 10:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] Precompiled pymol won't work on Fedora 6
Dear Nian,
on my Fedora 6 system there was absolutely no problem compiling and
later running PyMOL. Here's the rundown:
Get Pmw from, unpack and put into python site-packages directory,
eg. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Pmw. In Pmw1.3, there is a that professes to do thi
Dear All,
I tried to install precompiled pymol in Fedora 6, and found out I
cannot input text. I have compiled pymol by myself before. It seemed
that the problem was the Tcl/Tk, which didn't function correctly in
Fedora 6. After replaced it with Active Tcl/Tk, I got a working pymol.
But it was too