Thank you Jason.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Jason Vertrees <> wrote:
> Hi Quyen,
> It's been a few years since I wrote that but here is what I recall:
> D0 is a constant cutoff that represents the upper bound of dissimilarity
> for the difference
Hi Quyen,
It's been a few years since I wrote that but here is what I recall:
D0 is a constant cutoff that represents the upper bound of dissimilarity
for the difference of two distance matrices A_i and B_j, rooted at
subsequences i to i+8 and j to j+8, respectively. Raising this value allows
Dear all,
I have a question regarding CEalign d0 and d1 parameter. What exactly are
their functions?
I don't know enough C++ to decipher the algorithm but they are used
findPath() in ccealignmodule.cpp. It seems that that d0 controls a
similarity matrix and d1 the path length. A d1 below a cer