Re: [PyMOL] APBS Tools library error

2012-10-01 Thread Troels Emtekær Linnet
Hi Christian. I had a similar problem on my windows machine, but with . Try to set the temp path. *reinitialize* *fetch 4ins, async=0* * * *import os* *print os.environ['temp']* *print os.getcwd()* *os.environ['temp']=os.getcwd()* and then run the apbs plugin. My own problem on my windows comput

[PyMOL] APBS Tools library error

2012-09-27 Thread Christian Roth
Dear all, we have with our system Ubuntu a problem with APBS in the new pymol 1.5. We use exactyl this version: This Executable Build integrates and extends Open-Source PyMOL The following error occurs: PDB2PQR - a Python-based structural conversion utility -- Pl