Hello all,
even though I have some intuition about what the "level" parameter of the
"isomesh" command may mean, I would like to know what unit I should use
when I describe the contour level in figure caption, for example.
Thank you.
Speaking of atom selection, I wonder how many pymol and phenix users would
benefit from a fully "standardized" selection syntax. Would this be a
worthwhile design goal?
Wolfram Tempel
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 1:41 PM, Thomas Holder <
thomas.hol...@schrodinger.com> wrote:
> We'd like to know your t
bout as many problems as it solves. The correct solution
> would be to retire the PQR format and replace it with mmCIF, which is not a
> fixed column format.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> > On Dec 7, 2017, at 1:14 AM, wtempel wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > loading a
loading a pqr (PDB2PQR version 2.1.1) file into pymol 1.7 … 1.9 garbles the
model in some systematic way, whereas PDB2PQR version 1.8 output appears to
be displayed correctly. After superficial inspection I concluded that in
2.1.1 output, columns from (and including) the atom number appear t
how can I “get” the the current slab settings, that is settings that are
adjusted with the clip command: current center of slab (relative to center
of rotation?), depth of slab?
Thank you,
Wolfram Tempel
PHENIX has calculated a *_refine_001_mFo-DFc.ccp4 map for me, which I
“meshed” with isomesh mesh, map, 3. I understand map_auto_expand_sym is
enabled by default. Yet when I translate using the middle mouse button, I
can easily go beyond the extent of the mesh. How can I make the mesh fellow