[PyMOL] pymol crash when ray

2015-04-14 Thread maw1
Hi pymol users, I am just using pymol to open one super big molecular model (20 megadaltons). My pymol1.7 is on linux system and the computer has 32 CPU with 62GB memory storage. When I try to use command ray to make a high quality image, the pymol crash with error message like this: Pymol ran

[PyMOL] cartoon putty present in pymol

2015-04-13 Thread maw1
Hi pymol users, I have a pdb file, which is from the result of a molecular dynamics simulation. I want to present the structure with cartoon putty in pymol. But I can only make it cartoon putty in Macpymol 0.99 version. When I use pymol1.7 or 1.3 version, the error is like this: Extrude-Warning: