[PyMOL] Segmentation Fault / Bus Error

2009-03-19 Thread Martin Höfling
Hey Folks - I am trying to assign colors via APBS plugin to a surface which fails with a Bus error on Mac and Segfault on Linux. Versions are 1.1r2pre on Linux and Mac, as well as the latest from svn- trunk on Mac as well... The command that actually fails is ramp_new, as I found out by doin

[PyMOL] select by absolute coordinate

2009-03-02 Thread Martin Höfling
I quickly checked the selection algebra and property selector wiki pages and couldn't find anything related to this. Is it possible e.g. to select all atoms with (absolute) z - coordinates greater than 5A? Best Martin

Re: [PyMOL] running script on startup

2009-02-20 Thread Martin Höfling
Am 20.02.2009 um 17:54 schrieb Pete Meyer: I am trying to fire up a script with pymol -r doit.pml pymol doit.pml should be sufficient (no need for -r). Oh ok, without -r it works :-) Best Martin

[PyMOL] running script on startup

2009-02-20 Thread Martin Höfling
Hey folks, I am trying to fire up a script with pymol -r doit.pml PyMOL>run doit.pml,main Traceback (most recent call last): File "/sw/lib/pymol-py25/modules/pymol/parser.py", line 334, in parse parsing .run_file(exp_path(layer.args[0]),__main__.__dict__,__main__.__dict__) File "/sw/l

Re: [PyMOL] System freezes in cause of memory abuse

2008-10-12 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2008 schrieb Christian Seifert: > Hi! > > I'm working with big structures and even bigger trajectories. When I try > to load a trajectory, pymol takes the full 2GB RAM and freezes my PC > (ubuntu 7.10/gnome/core 2 duo/2 GB RAM). The only way out is pulling the > plug. :-( >

Re: [PyMOL] protein contact potential

2008-09-05 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Freitag, 5. September 2008 schrieb cortines: > would anybody know by which calculations pymol generates the proteins' > electrostatic maps? Is there a place where I can read about it? I tried > the manual and the wikipymol and could not find it. To my knowledge, this can be (only?) done via th

[PyMOL] Cluster / Cave / Holobench version of PyMol

2008-07-30 Thread Martin Höfling
Hello all, has anybody of you knowledge of efforts to use PyMol on CAVE like setups for 3D visualization? We have a Holobench with a Headtracking System here and I wonder if anybody knows more than I do. The only thing I found is: http://www.gruchalla.org/papers/C4_111_Gruchalla.pdf where Cave

[PyMOL] Script: Loading gromacs ndx files into pymol

2008-05-28 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi all, here's a small script that allows loading of a gromacs index file into pymol. The corresponding molecule has to be loaded with preserved atom order. I have also a question/feature request concerning the "load" operation: Is it possible to register e.g. this script, to handle loading of

[PyMOL] Keeping PDB ordering

2008-04-24 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi all, is there a simple way to prevent reordering of atoms and insertion of additional TER records by pymol? I have a protein embedded in a bilayer with tip4p water, where this occurs when I delete parts and export the rest of the System. Best wishes Martin

Re: [PyMOL] algorithm for alignment

2008-01-26 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Samstag, 26. Januar 2008 schrieb Lu Lin: > Hi, Abhi, > You mean save them separately? Is there some way to save them into one > file? Thanks!! By default, the save command should save all (visible?) atoms. Should be in documentation of save. Any way you can also make a selection of your two m

[PyMOL] Communication with external program

2007-11-07 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi all, Is it possible to communicate with a "fully running pymol" (means started with gui and TK menu) over a network socket or other means? Or has anyone already written a plugin for this purpose? Basically, it should just take every command, execute it as if it has been typed directly on th

Re: [PyMOL] best linux distribution to run pymol

2007-07-16 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Freitag, 13. Juli 2007 schrieb Joris Beld: Gruezi Boris, > I do not want to start a linux distribution war but we are curious under > which distribution pymol is developed/tested and what people generally > are using to run pymol (with 3D capability!)?? > Thanks a lot for the info. Every rece

Re: [PyMOL] spectral coloring

2007-06-27 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007 schrieb Robert Campbell: Hey Robert, > You are welcome to modify it to add new features, of course. You can > find it at: > >http://pldserver1.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc/work/pymol/color_b.py I found it this morning via google and the pictures are now really great. If

Re: [PyMOL] coloring based on sequence identity

2007-06-26 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007 schrieb Eva Vanamee: > Hi, > > I'd like to color a molecule based on its sequence similarity to another > molecule. > Can this be done in Pymol? If you can quantify "similarity" in a number you can write it into the b-factors of the atoms and then color it by them. Bes

[PyMOL] spectral coloring

2007-06-26 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi there, i am trying to map b factors on a surface representation. I am using spectrum b,blue_white_red,mymol and the colors are fine. Is there a way to fine tune the color spectrum, such as with the "Midpoint" and "Offset" sliders in vmd? Best Martin

[PyMOL] dimension lock feature

2007-06-20 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi there, just asking if anyone here would need it too? When using the drag tool to move/rotate tool, what about some buttons to constrain movement to specific dimensions. e.g. only rotate arond z-axis, move in x-y-plane and so on. Secondly, a rotation in fixed segments of x degrees, or movemen

Re: [PyMOL] mutagenesis script

2007-06-04 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi Andreas and others, i wasn't aware about pymol's log functionality. Great and that makes script building pretty easy but just doing the stuff in the gui first. Thx for your suggestion, i think this feature should get more attention :-) Best Martin

[PyMOL] mutagenesis script

2007-06-01 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi there, does anybody of you has an idea, if the mutagenesis stuff is available for use inside scripts too? I wanna load a pdb, mutate a resid and save the resulting pdb via commandline. The only thing I found was modifying atoms, when I searched via "help" and also checked the wiki, i hope

Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL compilation from source

2007-04-28 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Samstag, 28. April 2007 schrieb Michael Kluge: > > Would that be feasable? Oh sorry, i overlooked the ia64 in your gcc line. I have no idea how much IA64 SuSE, differs from the others. OpenSuSE is only provided for i586 and x86_64, not Itanium. But if you want, you can either use my spec fi

[PyMOL] delete states

2007-03-21 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi there, is there an command i overlooked to delete states? I am loading trajectories in a structure and it would be great if one could delete the frames or frame ranges. Cheers Martin

Re: [PyMOL] center of mass and distances

2007-03-02 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Freitag, 2. März 2007 schrieb Filippo Marchioni: > Hi all! > Two questions: > Does anyone know how to read the coordinates (x,y,z) of a selected atom > in a protein? > Or even better > Does anyone know how to visualize the center of mass of the protein, > reset the axis (x,y,z) using the centroi

Re: [PyMOL] Visualizing Molecular Orbitals in PyMol

2007-02-17 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2007 schrieb BuzB: > I think a way to do this would be to generate a map, like an electron > density map, and then generate a mesh from this, contoured at a given > value. A good point to start is maybe to look at Learner's APBS plugin. Also there should be some docume

Re: [PyMOL] image metadata plugin

2007-02-13 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007 schrieb DeLano Scientific: > We have much work to do to make annotations more general and more > accessible... Personally, i just store the session with the scene to reget an impression what I did, but you're right this does not "explain" what you actually see. Che

[PyMOL] OT: platform discussion

2007-01-20 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Samstag, 20. Januar 2007 00:55 schrieb DeLano Scientific: Hi all, > Of course not: cost is a pragmatic consideration, but cost should not > solely be defined in terms of purchase price. You must also include costs > in terms of your time and frustration. (However, having once been a > gradua

[PyMOL] surface coloring fails with gradient loaded

2006-12-15 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi there, i am trying to render fieldlines and sf potential together in a movie. The movie setup is like this: import os set gradient_spacing=5 load ProtOut.pdb,prot load trajshort.xtc,prot mset 1 -7 show surface set surface_solvent=1 for a in range(1,7): cmd.mdo(a,"delete flines;delete dxmap;de

[PyMOL] seperate clipping planes for each object

2006-12-03 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi all, is it possible to change clipping planes for each object? Could't find anything related about it. Cheers Martin -- HTML erhöht den Informationsgehalt eines Postings *immer* um ein paar unvorteilhafte Informationen über den Verfasser. (Thore Tams, de.soc.netzkultur, 17.5.1999)

Re: [PyMOL] electrostatic potential structure

2006-11-29 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 15:31 schrieb shivesh kumar: > Dear all, > How can I get the electrostatic potential structure of my protein > molecule.Thanx in advance. S what do you mean by "electrostatic potential structure"? The potential can be calculated with apbs (by hand or via plugin).

Re: [PyMOL] segmentation fault after switching mainwindow between visualisation and commandline

2006-11-21 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Dienstag, 21. November 2006 15:58 schrieb Christian Seifert: > $PYTHONPATH is not set on my machine. > > > > You wrote: > > Re: segmentation fault after switching mainwindow between > visualisation and commandline > From: Martin - 2006-11-13 05:15 > >... i had a similar Prob

[PyMOL] weird crashes inside /home/$USER

2006-11-20 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi everybody, i install pymol via svn ebuild (attached). It crashes with a segfault but only if i am inside my home directory. If i am outside, everything works fine. Any ideas what this could be related to? OpenGL graphics engine: GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation GL_RENDERER: GeForce 6600/PC

Re: [PyMOL] segmentation fault after switching mainwindow between visualisation and commandline

2006-11-13 Thread Martin Höfling
... i had a similar Problem this morning. What is your PYTHONPATH? For me, unsetting it solved the problems. Cheers Martin

Re: [PyMOL] pymol licensing questions

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Donnerstag, 9. November 2006 16:48 schrieb Ezequiel Panepucci: > It is *not* the GPL. It is the Python license > > http://sourceforge.net/projects/pymol/ > see also: http://www.python.org/doc/Copyright.html ah ok, then forget about what I was telling you ;-) ... i just read somewhere that the

Re: [PyMOL] pymol licensing questions

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Donnerstag, 9. November 2006 13:13 schrieb bgbg bg: > After searching the pymol site for two hours I'm still very confused > about the license issue. I understand that using (and from recently - > downloading) the binary PyMol package requires subscription. Now what > about the source code? May

Re: [PyMOL] cones in pymol?

2006-11-01 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Mittwoch, 1. November 2006 21:37 schrieben Sie: Hi Zheng, > In my PyMOL scripts for our ANM online server, > http://ignmtest.ccbb.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/anm/anm1.cgi > we are using CGO in PyMOL to show the vector field. I enclose an example in > the attachment. You can run the *.py file in PyMOL. l

[PyMOL] cones in pymol?

2006-11-01 Thread Martin Höfling
Hello everybody, i found some cone related stuff in pyopengl (in contrib dir of pymol). Is it usable from pymol in some way? It would be great to visualize vector-fields with 3d-Arrows but you need a cone and a cylinder to construct them. Probably the performance when setting up through triangle

Re: [PyMOL] Support for gromacs trajectories and cube files

2006-10-27 Thread Martin Höfling
...got the svn code compiled with -D VMD... If i load a PDB, then load a topology and then try to load a trajectory via "load" loading the trajectory fails, complaining like this: CmdLoad: "/home/martin/workspace/testdata/ProtOut.pdb" loaded as "ProtOut". PyMOL>load /home/martin/workspace/testdat

[PyMOL] Support for gromacs trajectories and cube files

2006-10-25 Thread Martin Höfling
Hi everybody, Does somebody of you know if gromacs trajectories (xtc or trr) are supported by some plugin? Same thing with volumetric data in cube files? I am using gromacs trajectories from python already by using the gromacs c-libraries via ctypes. This is not truely platform independant or at

Re: [PyMOL] PyMOL and Suse10.0

2006-10-24 Thread Martin Höfling
Am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006 14:13 schrieb Neil Ranson: > So in summary, there is no inherent problem with PyMOL, Suse 10.0 > x86_64, nvidia cards and even recent beta drivers to the best of my > knowledge. Hi Neil, what's exactly the output of pymol when it's "crashing". Are you using the "nv